Just Me!! Love it or not
I left my husband Nov 13th since then we've tried marriage counseling and that seems to go okay. But it was brought up in the last session that he's a perfectionist and gets up set if I leave that toy we picked up off the floor on the bookself for more then a few days. But the thing is that we both do that and we are both capable of picking it up. After 7 years I still don't meet his standards (his words) he would call me fat (I went from 95lbs 3 years ago before our wedding to 125lbs the day I left him) he always asked me if I was going to change my clothes when we would go to the store to make myself more presentable. I love my husband and want to be with him but I can't be emotionally and mentally abused anymore. Why do I go back and forth on my dession about leaving. I know it won't change hasn't yet, but I don't want to be alone. I'm so out of my comfort zone.. sorry to whin![]()
Our divorce was finalized today
Good! I am happy for you even thought you may not be happy about the divorce...but to me it means you are free now. Hang in there! :hugs: You will eventually find that you enjoy being alone with no rules and no one to insult or criticize you.
I realize I was late in coming to this thread but I do not come to this area of the forum very much. I apologize.
Lucia-I know we have our disagreements alot. I'm touched that you posted in this even though it coming late. I appricate it..
It's been 3 weeks 2 days and it's going pretty good. I do have my tough times (specially when his family sends me messages dogging me and calling me names). He sees the kids on a regular bases but doesn't come to Chris' important meetings with school and hearing stuff. What's wierd is when he picks up the kids he'll give me a hug and this last time he kissed me on the cheek. It kind of give me a mixed feeling but atleast we can still get along for the kids.
Thanks to everyone else for their well wishes..