I wonder who's fault for not taking care of your speech. Is it you or your parents?
If you knew that your speech isn't good, then why do you complaint about it?
Why can you try to be a positive that might help you to get in the right path? If you knew that your speech is fair, then that is still okay as long as you can talk well.
It's interesting that some of you have accomplished with your ASL skill, then that's good. But, you could bring along with some of your speech, then that would be also good. I probably think that some deafies made their own scapegoats for their speech problem like this "I hate my speech."
I know many deaf people from an oral school (not oral sex, oops) changed their mind to learn more about sign language which is, of course, great.
The result after they finished their college before George Bush became president, they can't find a good job because of their lack of communication with their boss who never met a deaf person in his/her department. Many of them are working below level of employee class such as working in the building's basement or a sort of hiding an office at the corner. It is very common nowadays that they never get promoted after working for many years.
Why do I have to discuss this one? Is it really about speech issue for the future jobs? Most deafies are paying their house mortgage that cannot afford to loose their house if they don't get a job. Beside, it's same thing for hearing people.
I think that you should never give up your speech no matter how hard it is. You need to practice your speech by reading a baby or easy book once a while. This would be significance for you. (Note, I NEVER say that ASL is bad. I sign ASL with my deaf friends.)