I hate it when...

Deaf people can be so judgemental.
I hate it when my cat decides to be fickle at the last moment about going outside.

I hate it when the so-called experts tells parents not to use sign language or have their child learn it because supposedly it'll *gasp* impede their speech development.
:D I hate it when the water running in sinks and I can't hear. I hate it when my BB get disconnect. I hate it when it's disconnect from internet. I hate it when was accident and hit on my elbow's funny bone. It's so HURT!!!!

Drive your car over your BB and smash it! Problem solved! :D
I totally hate it when people TyPe LiKe ThIs. It makes you look like you are only 13 years old instead of a mature adult. It's also annoying and stupid. There should be a law regarding this problem, for each word TyPeD LiKe ThIs, there should be a $50 fine!
I hate it when I buy roast chicken and then put chicken in storage bags and then forget to put it in the fridge so I leave the bags on the counter over night.:pissed:
I hate it when I buy roast chicken and then put chicken in storage bags and then forget to put it in the fridge so I leave the bags on the counter over night.:pissed:

Oh crap, that must have sucked to find out in the morning it was still on the counter. You poor thing.
I hate it when people have their noses way up in the air and don't give people a chance to get to know each other.
I hate it when I have to get up early in the morning for work now that it is getting cold. I have to catch a bus to work which mean standing out in the cold waiting for a bus to come. Blah! It's nearly winter here in Aust. :cold: <------ Me
i hate it when... I don't know what I hate