I hate digital HA

neecy said:
Then if you agree that he has no right to make statements about a CI since he doesn't have one, WHY are you quoting Buckdodgers in the first place? You're not making any sense.

And Ayala never said that people don't have the rights to make their own decision, she said that gnulinuxman always falls back on the "you aren't proud enough" arguement. And I agree with her.

WTF? You need re-read buckdodgers post, he was mocking about CI.
volcomskatz said:
WTF? You need re-read buckdodgers post, he was mocking about CI.

I know he was. Sorry for a moment there I thought you were agreeing with him, not laughing at HIM. My mistake.
neecy said:
I know he was. Sorry for a moment there I thought you were agreeing with him, not laughing at HIM. My mistake.
but still why quote him in first place eh.. still! in this thread!
Both of HA and CI is different because I can hear with CI for rest of dbs since HA is only around 80-120 dbs.

I don't understand about HA wouldn't work on some children, what all difference.
ayala920 said:
Why do you have to make everything into some sort of attack or argument? Some people like being able to hear sounds.

Thanks for responding to Gnu that way... Yep, I love hearing sounds. I've go bonkers if I couldn't do so. To me, the world is an interesting place especially with all the sounds.
gnulinuxman said:
...A lot of deaf people just accept their deafness when they no longer get any benefit from hearing aids either.

That is fine for some people. Others, like me really enjoy sounds and can utilize my CI to fit in the hearing world especially with speech. As a the song "Silly Love songs" stated in a refrain "What is wrong with that?"

It is about time you stop fighting the war...it's been over for a long time. Remember, each to their own...
neecy said:
Then if you agree that he has no right to make statements about a CI since he doesn't have one, WHY are you quoting Buckdodgers in the first place? You're not making any sense.

And Ayala never said that people don't have the rights to make their own decision, she said that gnulinuxman always falls back on the "you aren't proud enough" arguement. And I agree with her.

Thanks for clarifying that for me. I never said I'm against CIs, because I'm not.
sequoias said:
I don't get headaches when I wear hearing aids. :P

Are you profound deaf? I don't remember that.

If you don't have headache then you are great benefits with HA then you are lucky.
volcomskatz said:
Are you profound deaf? I don't remember that.

If you don't have headache then you are great benefits with HA then you are lucky.

I qualify enough to wear hearing aids. :) Which means, not too deaf...
sequoias said:
I don't get headaches when I wear hearing aids. :P

Me, too I dont get any of headache when I am wear my hearing aids so far that I wear my hearing aids all my life since I was 6 months old baby :)
DeafMonkey said:
Me, too I dont get any of headache when I am wear my hearing aids so far that I wear my hearing aids all my life since I was 6 months old baby :)

That's great ;)
neecy said:
Well I can vouch that what *I* hear is NOT "robotic sounds" and is as normal as I can remember sound hearing before I went deaf. So unless he experiences it, he can't really SAY for sure what it will sound like. Not even a hearing audiologist can know for sure because they've never experienced it themselves either. They can only go based on feedback and everybody's circumstances are different. Ask 10 people what sound with a CI is like and you will get 10 different answers.

Hmmm, well to be honest at times it does sound kinda robotic, it is after all sinthicized sound. But to me it's always sounded more like regular speech. Perhaps that's why the audiologist and ent are always commenting on how well I'm doing. :)
Yep, I agree. It can sound robotic or synthesized at times. For the most part, I don't notice anything different. ADRO can do that as it does adjustments to the background noises. One of the most annoying sounds is a kitchen fan going and you are trying to hear conversations around you. That is when I notice when speech tends to sound more robotic or different than usual.
Digital hearing aids does not mean they're better than analog aids. In fact, many studies showed NO difference and most preferred the analog aids.
neecy said:
And Ayala never said that people don't have the rights to make their own decision, she said that gnulinuxman always falls back on the "you aren't proud enough" arguement. And I agree with her.

I agree with both Neecy and Ayala on this too! (pesky gnat)