I gots good news

ladycaissa: Sorry I'm late but I wanted to congratulate you on your journey to being a CI'er. I see you're having surgery today and will be activated on the 28th, same day as me. Only difference was my surgery was May 8th, not today. I wish I could be activated now but my Dr. does not believe in super early activations, but I can handle 20 days wait compared to last year 5 wks wait and that was only 'cause my Audi went in labor and couldn't activate me cause she had her baby girl that day! So, another audi had to do the activation two weeks later. That totally sucked. heh. Anyways, good luck today!!!

PS- Are you only getting one side implanted? Or bilateral?
I'm doing well. Surgery went without a hitch. The doctor was pleased to announce that he managed to get all 16 electrodes into my cochlea. The recovery process however was icky. I was forced to stay at the hospital over night because I just did not do well waking up. Everything went wrong there. lol.

I am fine now. Driving my mother up the wall because all I want to do is walk around the house. I don't do well sitting in one area. She's afraid I will fall. I simply told her that if I feel like I will fall I'll stop.

Only 7.5 more days till I get activated. Yay.

PS- Are you only getting one side implanted? Or bilateral?

I got one side done. My right side.
I am healing up very well. The only issues I have is the intense ringing in my ear, the little area that they shaved is itchy as all hell and that my neck gets stiff every once and a while. I am so excited about activaction. Just 5 more days. Yay!

My cat is complaining loudly that he cannot cuddle in his favorite spot, which happens to be around my neck on my right side. The side that I got the surgery on. I cannot seem to convince him that the left side is just as good as the other. He's a right side kitty through and through.
aww poor kitty. He'll get over it though, hopefully. 5 days? wow! that's very soon.
So good to hear the healing is going well. From what I recall, itching is a good sign that the scar is healing as it should. Not long til activation! Remember to have low expectations at the start and then gradually build your way up.
I didn't have a big shave or incision around my ear either. It was a different incision, which I was really happy about. It was not around the ear. It was from near the earlobe slightly slanted going up behind my head about 3 inches or less. I was happy about it.

I think walking helps you heal faster. Congrats on your CI.
I think walking helps you heal faster. Congrats on your CI.

Kinda funny you said that. My first CI, walking did make me feel a little better. The second CI, walking made me sick to my stomach, not to the point where I'm vomiting, but it made me uncomfortable. So, it's always true that people have such a huge range of experiences with CI.
I got 9 hours left till I am activated. I am so freaken excited. Also a little bit nervous.
Congratulation, I wish you the best for getting your CI activate soon. :)
I just woke up from an nap that I needed very much after activation. I hear things from my CI. It's kind of nice to get some imput into that ear. When I take off the CI my right ear constantly goes "WTF put that back on, give me input". I never expected that.

Remember, the first couple of days things will sound like crap....then you will kind of get used to it.

You're right. It does sound like crap. The great part is that I do hear speech and understand it ever so slightly. Right now I am under the rough fitting, so tomorrow when I go in I will see if I can get it adjusted correctly. I just now had a CI moment.

CI moment: Sitting in the basement and hearing my mom call me from the kitchen letting me know that dinner ready. Did not expect to have a CI moment this early on. Before hand I wouldn't of heard that at all. Mom would've had to go downstairs and get into my field of vision to let me know that dinner is ready. So cool!
Congratulations on your activation, keep us posted on how you are doing! I think about a CI from time to time but I'm chicken right now! :)