I Got Arrested

You got arrested for going to a retirement community and switching out their medicine with M&Ms

You got arrested for kissed my girlfriend.(Lamest Arrest Ever!)

You got arrested for being in a high speed chase, and during the chase you was using your blinkers around every turn and led the cops to your house.

You got arrested for trying to attempt what Lorena Bobbitt did to her husband. Unfortunately you missed and stabbed them in the thigh. You were charged with a Misdewiener.

You were arrested for shoving your hand up a seagull's butt in an attempt to make it into a puppet.

You got arrested for videotaping a public disturbance of babyblue screwing a seagull and showing it to a undisguised cop.

Mod's Note: Spammer's quote post is removed.

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You got arrested for videotaping a public disturbance of babyblue screwing a seagull and showing it to a undisguised cop.


woah! you got arrested for obstruction of justice, for telling a lie!!

It was you, that had the screw driver...( the tool )

what a nice way to screw me out of my parole, many thanks. ;)
now I have to think of a way to save my nuts...

you got arrested for objecting my justice, for distracting the cop with your new pet seagull named "Squawks".
