I Got Arrested

You got arrested for throwing little Timmy's fries out because they were the reason for getting two other people arrested.

You got arrested because you could not resist those fries, and you went diving in the garbage can for them.

You got arrested for kicking me into the deep-fryer after you saw me going back in for those fries. :lol:

you got arrested at Dunkin' Donuts for insulting the cop eating donuts...."Good Lawd! You want fries with that"?
You got arrested for sneaking into a hotel room and stealing all the lightbulbs. :giggle:

you got arrested for "mocking the preacher" at Church, yelling "Right on, Preach!"..."Ain't that a shame!"....
You got arrested for trying to convert everyone to the common sense cult!

You got arrested for making that darn cat in your avatar dance and dance and dance!!! Nonstop!! :giggle:

You got arrested for catching fish too big and keeping them.

you got arrested for driving ur little scooter on the Interstate at 20mph and backing up traffic for 50 miles....

me ? (hope I get arrested in time for breakfast in the cell)