I got Academy Suspend from Gallaudet

Yup, just like most exams, you aren't allowed to use dictionary or other material without approve from test admin.
That's right. It usually depends on the kind of exam you're taking.

If it's to test your vocabulary skills and/or spelling skills, then a dictionary is usually not allowed. If it's to test your grammar skills, then a dictionary might be allowed (varies).

When you enter college, they usually expect you to have already learned your share of vocabulary words (definition and spelling) before you graduated.

When I was in high school, I was expected to learn at least 10 vocabulary words per week. As a senior, I was expected to learn 60 vocabulary words a week during the first 6 weeks. Whew!
Good! I not use dictionary for all 3 test. :) I am good student. I'm no cheat at all. I obey what the teacher said. :)