I got a raise today


New Member
Apr 30, 2003
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I got a raise today, a measly 36 cents but everybody else got 30 cents but I got the most raise out of everybody in the department...better than nothing right? :lol:
You must had done a lot of ass-kissing to get that extra 6 cents.
my mom got raise from her work at hospital not lots

and also my boyfriend got raise too because he work at factory in London,England and he workalcholic very much he told me on e-mail messages.
You must had done a lot of ass-kissing to get that extra 6 cents.

Hahahaha, no, the only reason I got that raise is that I rarely make mistakes and I key the most out of everybody else and everybody else was just being lazy except me
Hahahaha, no, the only reason I got that raise is that I rarely make mistakes and I key the most out of everybody else and everybody else was just being lazy except me

Good for you. :)

I know what it feels like to get a raise, it's a good feeling.
Congrats!!! on your raise now , you buy your own place without roomates:giggle: JK (from a previous thread)
congrats on the raise! I love getting raises. Had my managers left me in the service dept I would have gotten a 70 cent raise on top of base pay plus incentive. But they ragged me around back to the white meat dept back on the line. They said they had too many people in service and I was of low seniority. Kind of made me mad but oh well I make up for it with overtime everyweek. :D
congrats on the raise! I love getting raises. Had my managers left me in the service dept I would have gotten a 70 cent raise on top of base pay plus incentive. But they ragged me around back to the white meat dept back on the line. They said they had too many people in service and I was of low seniority. Kind of made me mad but oh well I make up for it with overtime everyweek. :D

Cool, I get alot of overtime too!
got three raises in 5 months, not complaining. good company work for and nice boss and nice coworkers
He must work for ConAgra. They give raises frequently based on seniority but at 2 or 2.5 years you've topped out on pay, unless they give a company wide cost of living raise.
Yeah but their raises are terrible here though, 30 cents a year, bleah

30cent / year? Ouch.. Unless you mean by 30c/hour.. :lol: Conrg on raise.. what kind of job do you do?

I just got 9% raise (cuz of promotion to senior) last Sept then 4% last March (yearly merit)..