
New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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how do u like it when u try to get a job bring your application in and dress very nice and all prepare for a potential interview and then to come in and then see a manager WHO has a badge on stating manager, and sees me with the appilication and makes a bee line for the back of the building and calls the front to tell them that she was busy. SHE knew i was coming in to communicate with her abt a job and i knew right then and there she spotted my hearing aid and I KNEW then and there i was right and having a certain statement in the application I KNOW i won't ever find a job cuz of my past histories SOME poeple here that knows me KNOWS full well what i'm talking abt!

What about u all?? have u ever tried to find a job only to be turned away cuz of your hearing aid or seeing someone that just flat out turns u down cuz u were deaf??? ( im not sure theres a posting abt this but worth a shot)
Yes, I once went for an interview with Boscov's (a department store) and all the lady could do was thinking about my deafness. Question after question, she asked about my deafness, etc... Finally I got upset, and said to her "Since you are fixitated on my deafness and not on my qualifications, I do not feel that Boscov is the place for me to work in. Have a good day." She had a huge facial expression like she was so shocked and I left. That was the only time I had this experience. All the other companies always asked what I can do, and so on, never worried about my deafness. Borders was the best!
Thats where i applied for at borders. and i got the runnaround sigh....
Originally posted by javapride
how do u like it when u try to get a job bring your application in and dress very nice and all prepare for a potential interview and then to come in and then see a manager WHO has a badge on stating manager, and sees me with the appilication and makes a bee line for the back of the building and calls the front to tell them that she was busy. SHE knew i was coming in to communicate with her abt a job and i knew right then and there she spotted my hearing aid and I KNEW then and there i was right and having a certain statement in the application I KNOW i won't ever find a job cuz of my past histories SOME poeple here that knows me KNOWS full well what i'm talking abt!

What about u all?? have u ever tried to find a job only to be turned away cuz of your hearing aid or seeing someone that just flat out turns u down cuz u were deaf??? ( im not sure theres a posting abt this but worth a shot)

Java, like two years ago i tired filled out with the appication and finally met the manager and he/she looked at where i went school " school for deaf" on the appication and said will call me with nodding at me i HATE THAT part cuz of "DEAF" and NEVER get calls from them ugh !!!!
Originally posted by javapride
Thats where i applied for at borders. and i got the runnaround sigh....

Huh? I worked there for 3 years, and worked my way up to their office, as a special orders clerk. That meant, I had some limited administrative powers, such as telling employees how to order properly, what they cannot order, etc... I'm surprised they gave you the runaround.
Re: Re: I GOT a BEEF

Originally posted by Raven
What exactally were you wearing? What do you consider dressing up? Maybe that was ONE of the reasons?

it wasn't the clothes I wore a nice outfit for this! it's ALL abt DEAFNESS! RME
Originally posted by kuifje75
Huh? I worked there for 3 years, and worked my way up to their office, as a special orders clerk. That meant, I had some limited administrative powers, such as telling employees how to order properly, what they cannot order, etc... I'm surprised they gave you the runaround.

I know u are suprised, it hurt me ... but it's not just that they judge u by the applications and i dont have a * clean* history and its not a thing i want to talk abt on my history. SO thats why im having a hard timr finding a job and i know for a fact im worthless .... sigh
yeah I had that experience with other job at sjsu the lady won't accept me cuz I have CP? *RME* blah.. but lucky long's drugstore accepted me cuz I'm deaf ;) heh.. :mrgreen: I hope u find a job soon java that will make u feel better ;)
it is really tough to find a job in Newfoundland, I am try and try look for one. oh boy
That is not right Java. I get sooo fuckin pissed off with people like that. UGH!!!
Originally posted by prostock19
That is not right Java. I get sooo fuckin pissed off with people like that. UGH!!!

thanks matt, Im really depressed abt this sigh .....
Originally posted by javapride
thanks matt, Im really depressed abt this sigh .....
Things usually turn out for the best. Maybe, within a few days, a totally better job will have your name on it.
I never really got that problem. For all I know a deaf person who was more deaf than I was didnt get the job. I think it because he wasnt motiative asking them..because I did. I asked them like few times in 1 week and they called me up and said i got the job :D

I dont work anymore due to my reasons and my daughter. :D

I hope u have ur luck. :D
I agree with you ShEiLdTaLiSmAn, just call them few time a week so they know that you are motivating to get a job not just "necessary job"... and suggest you ask them what job positions they are looking to hire then apply for the job quickly... then later that way u know if they discriminate you or not, if so, contact ADA and what to do from there...
Haha, looking for a job sucks, especially being deaf and all.

I live in a small town, and am the only deaf person around here, so natural, that none of my potential empolyers have ever worked with a deaf person before.

See, when I apply for a job, I do not mention the fact that I am deaf. There's alway s a little line on the application that says "disablities *that will effect working ability*" and as far as I'm concered, deafness isn't one of them, so nartually, I write in "none" or "n/a" or whatever. I ususally get through fine, I'll have an interview arranged within a few days, and I'll be there.

This is where the problem comes in, basically me reguarally asking them to repeat the question, and then after I see them starting to get... frusterated, I explain my hearing loss to them. It's right there, when they find out about my hearing loss, that they start to avoid me :-p I'm more than qualified for any position that I apply to, which always gets me an interview. I've talked to my current employer and gave some some Q&A examples from interviews, and she says all of my answers seem to be great.

So yeah, I'm assuming it's the deafness issue.

Don't be discouraged, however. Just keep bugging them. Go in EVERYDAY, and see whats going on. Just ask if they've seen your application. Ask questions. That tells them that you WANT a job, not just need one.

I've got a job, but I'm just explaining my experiences.
I've applied many different places.. They never called becuz I put "deaf school" So, the best way not to putting anything where you graduated at until the interview. But Finding a job w/ deafness seems harder, but I'm very digusted with hearing people thinks Deaf people can't do it at jobs. Ugh!
Yes, I had experiences with idiotic hearing people. Of course, they asked me some stupid questions like "can you hear?" Their behaviors turned me off because I knew that they did not know nothing about Deaf culture.

It is not easy to get jobs anywhere in USA. FYI, pls do not give up! Deaf people in Europe have more difficult to get jobs over there than here. I was told that they want to move to USA for better opportunities and job offers. I was shocked to learn what they told me.

Oh, the famous phrase.. Do you have a beef? It was the 1980s Wendy commerical slogan. It was very hilarious!!
Originally posted by Oddball
Yes, I had experiences with idiotic hearing people. Of course, they asked me some stupid questions like "can you hear?" Their behaviors turned me off because I knew that they did not know nothing about Deaf culture.

It is not easy to get jobs anywhere in USA. FYI, pls do not give up! Deaf people in Europe have more difficult to get jobs over there than here. I was told that they want to move to USA for better opportunities and job offers. I was shocked to learn what they told me.

Oh, the famous phrase.. Do you have a beef? It was the 1980s Wendy commerical slogan. It was very hilarious!!

OH YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH u right ! thanks for telling me that beef one i knew it was playing in my head but from where?? til u told me thanks ODD oops almost called u old :-X hahah