I felt so dumb left the water on and for got to turn it off

Originally posted by OldNavyGirl
only one time i left water running in bathtub, i wasn't thinking. i was chatting with mom but weird thing mom could hear but she wasn't even thinking i left the water running... somehow i went to my room to get something to show mom and i saw the bathroom water all over the bathroom tiles floor, i screamed! and turned off the water and mom went like TIFFANY! lol never forget that day. blah!
yeah it happen to me all the time now i live with my man for 2 years it only happen 2 times now i hope it don;t happen it again:D

:mad: MANY times.. even i have kids.. they didnt tell me or warn me that water is RUNNING...
Later, I found out.. For example, hearing parents (with hearing kids).. hearing parents heard it running and they turn water off.. Also, they yelled or tell them turn off water.. got them into habit to turn off water if they hear it running..
SO.. me -deaf-.. I didnt tell or tell them to turn off water because i dont hear it running.. so its not get them into habit..
UGHH!!!! =\
<---Had a lot of inattention to running water working the dishes at bbq place oftens. I put a dirty pot under faucet, turn the valve on soap water flows out, then I go get distracted by waitresses piling dishes and dishes on me that I dont realize the floor was overflowing with soapy water coming out of drain. Damn!

Nowadays I try to pay attention every time I gotta soak my pots and pans at the bbq place busy period be damned!
Oh my god yes, I remember I was drawing a bath for my niece Michaela when she was about 8 weeks old. I took her with me and went in the kitchen to find her bottle and then my friend came in to talk to me and to see her. We were outside and my friend said she had to go to the bathroom. So she went in and she came out running saying ASHLEY YOUR TUBS FUCKING OVERFLOODING! I'm like what the fuck, OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT IT! I picked my niece up and went my whole hallway was soaked and i got quite a yelling from my mom. HEHE, good thing I had the baby with me the whole time.
Originally posted by whodatshroom
Oh my god yes, I remember I was drawing a bath for my niece Michaela when she was about 8 weeks old. I took her with me and went in the kitchen to find her bottle and then my friend came in to talk to me and to see her. We were outside and my friend said she had to go to the bathroom. So she went in and she came out running saying ASHLEY YOUR TUBS FUCKING OVERFLOODING! I'm like what the fuck, OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT IT! I picked my niece up and went my whole hallway was soaked and i got quite a yelling from my mom. HEHE, good thing I had the baby with me the whole time.
Originally posted by javapride
WHY cops run in the house for ???

I have left the water on a couple of times me soo doh head i have gotten a dent in the rent two months ago for that i told them i would pay 3/4 of that water bill for my error Dang! :-X

Because I was on 3rd floor and the water leaked downstairs. They probably thought I died or something.
Originally posted by Deaf258
Because I was on 3rd floor and the water leaked downstairs. They probably thought I died or something.
Heh deeply hiralous :rofl:
I've left the water on but it never flooded anything. Just keeps going down the drain.
Ha ha ha this thread remind me of something... my mother used to leave water running on all the time... But me... One time I were so tired, I slept in the bathtub and left the water running, my brother had to open the door and splash the water at me from the floor... and I go oops!
Oh jeez...looks like I'm not alone...

One time I was at a friend's trailer..and I was drawing a bath...in the end..it overflowed and ruined the floor...in return, I replaced the whole bathroom floor at all my costs to make my friend feel better. :p
I did leave the dishes stink fill the water. I was outside to get my kids and dog few years ago. I forgot all about the stink. I came back and saw the water was all over the kitchen floor. Oh Gosh, the carpet was all soaking.

When you were so busy on other things to do while you do the dishes. It seems impossible to remember to shut the water off. What is the fuck wrong with me?

~ Sabrina
Originally posted by whodatshroom
Oh my god yes, I remember I was drawing a bath for my niece Michaela when she was about 8 weeks old. I took her with me and went in the kitchen to find her bottle and then my friend came in to talk to me and to see her. We were outside and my friend said she had to go to the bathroom. So she went in and she came out running saying ASHLEY YOUR TUBS FUCKING OVERFLOODING! I'm like what the fuck, OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT IT! I picked my niece up and went my whole hallway was soaked and i got quite a yelling from my mom. HEHE, good thing I had the baby with me the whole time.

It's not your fault. It's invisible gremlins' fault!
Originally posted by MsGiglz

:mad: MANY times.. even i have kids.. they didnt tell me or warn me that water is RUNNING...
Later, I found out.. For example, hearing parents (with hearing kids).. hearing parents heard it running and they turn water off.. Also, they yelled or tell them turn off water.. got them into habit to turn off water if they hear it running..
SO.. me -deaf-.. I didnt tell or tell them to turn off water because i dont hear it running.. so its not get them into habit..
UGHH!!!! =\

:werd:!! I often forgot to turn off water after I turn it on myself. :ugh: I don't go after my boy to make sure the water's turned off, but good thing my boy's bright enough to understand the background of what happen if left on. Heh. I'm pretty good at explaining things to him and he's good at listening and understanding the sequences. (He's only 4!!)
That's alright, people, don't feel bad; last night, I bent over for something and half-way down, I forgot where I was going!:D
It happen to me many time but never had overflow from bathtub but there is many close call for overflow !! especially toilet is the one is most infamous problem and now finally fixed it and no trouble ever since whew !!!
once I forgot to turn water off in kitchen and it was overflowing in kitchen :lol: my mom told me after I woke up in the morning and i was like oh shyt :P :roll: oh well I never get water from sink cuz I always forget to turn water off again :P