Why do I worry over Deaf ED?
I don't understand about the hearing bosses refused to accept deaf to take a job, because I heard some of my friends tried to take jobs but those bosses said no, because they're deaf, huh? They had no right to say no because of deaf reasons. Sometimes, I've felt that the hearing bosses are against deaf people, perhaps because deaf people are goofy, stupid, wild, and etc. But in fact: deaf aren't stupid. I love to being deaf. But actually, I'm hard of hearing. So anyway, gimme good reason why the bosses refused accept deaf people when they want to take jobs. I've noticed so many deaf people got cheap jobs, you know work in fast food restaurant, publix, and etc. I've always wondering why don't they take a serious job and good money, but...I don't understand. I'm just confused. Will you example it to me very clearly?
It is so hard for the Deaf to compete in the job market. That is why I wanted to advocate for better education,, better accomodation, and better laws to protect the Deaf in the workplace.
I have a few Deaf people that I love dearly. They are some of the smartest, most educated people I know. They are funny, loving and caring. They put most hearing people I know to shame, because they have lived through hell and climbed up, tooth and nail to where they are. These are my treasured Deaf friends. I would rather hang out with them for a few hours, than to hang with the hearing folks that are asking for my time.
I was thinking that if I ever win the lottery, I will start a business for green energy. I will put every Deaf person that wants to work to work - with good wages and benefits with a chance for advancement. Why? Because the Deaf people I know, ,,, they beat the odds every freeeekin day. They grow up fighting the odds.. And, because the ones I know,, are just the best.. But hey... I am the lucky one to have had the chance to know some wondeful Deaf folks -- to have been invited into their homes and to game night.. to get to know their kids, some hearing some not,,, some of their friends,, some hearing some not.. I got to see the best of all worlds,,, I was lucky ...
But ya know what? MOST hearies never get lucky enough to be invited into your world..... They never get to understand your issues or problems............ They never get to watch you interact with your children... They never get to know how capable and trustworthy you are..But why??????????? Help me to answer that question and to find a way to bridge that gap, and I will die a happy granny. God Bless....