I don't like children

^Angel^ said:
:gpost: I second that!
I third that! Good posting as always, Jolie_77 ;)
LOL!! I fifth that!!!

I have a son, and when he was born, my life changed big time. It was all good thing and it was a good challenges.

At first, I didn't want any children and I did thought that children are pigs and flithy... Now until I had my own son, and other friends have their kids, and I find them really cute, handsome, and beautiful and it's a big beautiful gift from God.
CrazyMomma said:
At first, I didn't want any children and I did thought that children are pigs and flithy...
Awwww.. It never had crossed my mind. When I saw children playing with others I see how precious they can be, but raising children aren't easy, if you got have so much patience to guide them in the right path, You'll have a kid that respect the whole world, if you don't have patience and don't even try to guide them in the right path, they're turn out as lousy as they can be. Remember being a parent is a role model for our own children.
forget about 'parenting skills' and all the new-age crap and hype,

its so true about looking in your own mirror and being true to yourself then can consider to guide the young (that is what parenting is part of)

I have seen some films that have good dialogues like some are interesting and profound, learn to take notice how some characters 'explains' their wishes or 'deep life' to another. Take interest in how they 'become interesting in such a way they come to INSPIRE the person they trying to 'raise' or plant new seeds of interest/wisdom.

from top fo my head, i can recall films like "man without a face', "the sixth sense" ( i know i admit its about a boy seeing dead people, but look at how he relates to his mother and how the 'bond' occurs, that sort of thing, Dawson's creek is cool, but maybe too heavy.... forget cheap 5 o'clock comedys in family settings that's pure bollocks, and sometimes, its hard but sometimes that we have to 'white lie' alittle if you know your kid(s) doesnt understand it, but i guess its also a good thing also to make a promise (with watch ful eye later on, kids grows [up] fast),to make up for the 'slightly confused messages you gave' so dont wait tooo long or they'd get bitter, but like when they're 10-11 -12-13 (you be the judge on when), then you can explain more of the 'clearer , more real (truer picture of what you 'explained' to them way back

I guess that this bit is (what the new hyped of parenting' is ranting on about, yet its true, its' to ensure the bond, for trust is real or imagined, for it it will encourage kids to ASK you at the right time. best of all , BE their freind...

just food for thought, just maybe looking into your 'style' of leading
heres another good idea ' google up ' 'leadership style' and espcially look up 'handling group sessions' i know it s WAY off topic, but it has good pointers about being a guide/parent/teacher/boss (erm boss is horrid word)

cheers ,
good topic btw
I am 6 th. I didnt want any children at first. My son came and I love him than the world. My son and I are learning each other so much. We still struggle and enjoy many times! I will never never blame him for he take my life. I already opened my legs so I accepted. Patient is a key!! and Love too.
Altough, I don't have kids of my own. I have nephews and neieces, they changed my life, and i spend much time as I could with them. when my two neieces born last feb- it changed my life more because I decided to stop drinking so I can be good role model for them. I can't believe that my neieces was tiny babies last feb but now is getting bigger.

As for kids making mess- I've told my nephews to clean up their own mess.

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