No.. I notice there is float in the air up there than here... we can float in swimming pool as we float in our backs... what is the difference between?
I am not well enough to know science, science is not my subject, too..
Our body floats in the water because our density of body is lighter than water therefore we float. Entire earth's density is based on water. If your Density is = 1, means you are water. If greater than 1, then you sink. If its below 1, you float. (Biology 101 and Chemistry 101 will teach this)
That how they come up theory that Saturn can float if we had huge ocean to test it. Saturn is below density of 1.
In space, there is no gravity. Only planet, sun, moon have gravity. Our earth's gravity holds Moon in orbit. Sun's gravity holds Earth in orbit. (physic 101 and science 101 will teach this).
We float in space because we over come the gravity for short time but eventually if we float in space without any support of anti-gravity, we will fall back into earth's atmosphere. That why NASA will sometime let Satellites fall into atmosphere and burn off instead of spending millions to retrieve them. Satellites will fall back into atmosphere.
Everything in close range will fall back into earth's Atmosphere. Comet can fall on Earth if Earth's gravity catch the comet and overcome its force and draw to us.
I understand if you did not have good teacher in science class to teach these. I learned all about these because I LOVE SPACE and want to go out there at lease once. No offense at all. Just want to make sure understand what gravity and density are to understand the difference.
Another thing to add. Air is Atmosphere trapped in Earth's gravity. Bird and plane float in sky because of draft and lift of air going over their wing. Air's atom are lighter than density of water therefore the elements will float in sky. Chemistry period table can tell you the difference.
Our science is based on water. Even our temperature in C are based on water's freezing point (0'C) and boiling point (100'C). Our american standard do not cut for science. We are an idiot to have our own standard that make no sense. I wish we convert into metric in distance and mass and liquid. It much easier to calculate in metric than our American Standard measuring system.