I Cant Believe This.....


New Member
May 24, 2003
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ok so, my gf hooked my up with this job. i basically go around to the different stores and pick up their 2 day film, then i take it back to the warehouse and drop it off. and thats the entire job! thats all i do is drive around to different stores pick up film then drop it off then i go home. i would get a pay check every 2 weeks worth about 900 bucks.

so i went on training today. drove around with this girl and she showed me where all the stores are and what to do. i took notes and everything

then i get home, im laying in bed relaxing and i get a call from the Boss of the warehouse "Andrew um, im sorry we cant hire you, you have to be 25 or older to be under this certain contract. im sorry" i was like um....ok and he was like "bye"

the only fucking reason i can think about being too young for the job, is if my car broke down and i needed a rent-a-car, u have to be 25 or older to drive a rent a car.

i dont know if thats the real reason...unless there was something in my application he didn't like and he just didn't want to say it. i dont fucking know man but....

this was a great job, i needed this job. i thought i fucking had this job. i could have, in time, moved into an apartment with my gf, if i had this job. and now thats all fucking gone.
and im real angry. and there arent any other jobs around here that are hiring. so im back looking for a damn job. i haven't told my gf yet, i dont know how im going to tell her, i dont know how she'll feel. lol i promised to take her out to dinner tonight since she helped me find a job. i cant fucking believe this.
i have no idea

the only reason i can think of....is because u have to be 25 to drive a rent-a-car. and if for some reason my truck breaks down, i wont be able to drive a rent-a-car. i dont even know if thats the reason.

i wondered why all the people tha worked there were like 30 years old and older.

maybe he just didn't like something in my application. i dont know
i just know i had the job, and i basically got fired.
Maybe age was an insurance or bonding requirement?
AJ said:
i have no idea

the only reason i can think of....is because u have to be 25 to drive a rent-a-car. and if for some reason my truck breaks down, i wont be able to drive a rent-a-car. i dont even know if thats the reason.

i wondered why all the people tha worked there were like 30 years old and older.

maybe he just didn't like something in my application. i dont know
i just know i had the job, and i basically got fired.
but in alabam allow work 16 yrs old to up... cant say no must 25 yrs old.. there no make sense..
Perhaps the age requirement was prolly a smoke screen for another reason, like deafness. What state are you in?

Reba said:
Maybe age was an insurance or bonding requirement?

it could be.

Nesmuth said:
Perhaps the age requirement was prolly a smoke screen for another reason, like deafness. What state are you in?


well im not deaf, im hearing, so thats not it.
it could be because...at my last job i just walked out on them. i didnt tell them i was quitting i just walked out. they might now want to hire me because of that. they are afraid ill do that again.
AJ said:
it could be.

well im not deaf, im hearing, so thats not it.
it could be because...at my last job i just walked out on them. i didnt tell them i was quitting i just walked out. they might now want to hire me because of that. they are afraid ill do that again.

Did you provide them with work references? It could be the case if they checked your last job.

Being a manager, I strongly encourage you never to walk out. Companies have no tolerance for no 2 week notices. If I call and check up on a prospective employee, I always ask whether that person gives a 2 week notice or not because it does play a huge role in reliability/accountability for their actions and words.

But dont despair - you will find something soon. Smile
:hug: AJ, I believe it does have something to do with the insurance policy. Just keep looking, you'll find something! Your girlfriend will understand what happened if you explained it to her. I'm sorry you had to go thru this. Good Luck with the job hunting and don't give up!
im still angry u know...i was gonna buy a new bed with that money. right now im sleeping on a damn air mattress that i have to pump up every 2 days because it starts to de-flate. and then i could have put the rest in the bank and then actually start my life. man. i dont know what im going to do.
AJ said:
im still angry u know...i was gonna buy a new bed with that money. right now im sleeping on a damn air mattress that i have to pump up every 2 days because it starts to de-flate. and then i could have put the rest in the bank and then actually start my life. man. i dont know what im going to do.

Just hang in there, hon... Its not the end of the world, ya know.. Just keep looking for jobs, I promise you, you will find something. Do you know anybody that has an extra bed that you could borrow for a while til you get your feet back on track? Starting a new life will always be there when the time is right, you'll know. Maybe there's a reason for all this to happen.. Just be really patient and hang in there! You'll find something.. ;)
Tweetybird, AJ was talking only about renting a car.....have to be 25 yrs old to rent a car....that's all...
RebelGirl said:
Just hang in there, hon... Its not the end of the world, ya know.. Just keep looking for jobs, I promise you, you will find something. Do you know anybody that has an extra bed that you could borrow for a while til you get your feet back on track? Starting a new life will always be there when the time is right, you'll know. Maybe there's a reason for all this to happen.. Just be really patient and hang in there! You'll find something.. ;)

yeah maybe ill like....win the lottery worth 26 million or something lol. that would be awesome.
well shit happens dude...

there are always weird reasons when it doesn't seem fair to your job and you are not the only one. I got kicked out of my job when they think I dont work hard enough espeically when I've been out all morning taking out boxes and trash and sweat like crazy when I'm out in the blazing sun, continuing ripping out boxes, taking out trash, then when noon comes, I go back inside, clean tables, restock the food cabinet, and other things and now they tell me I'm not good enough at this so they called my brother who used to work there saying that I was in the bathroom popping zits or something...I was SO fucking pissed as fuck at them making me look bad for nothing as I thought I trusted them and that they are good people but they fucked me over for nothing and I dont know why they would really let me go like that but I just figured it had somethin to do with discrimination against the people with disablities, especaillly deaf people and they rarely hire any anyone with disablities anyway. You don't really see any deaf people working in many fast food restuants because they are not too friendly and want people who can hear and see and work fast, fast, FAST! I worked as fast as I go and do my best as fuck as I can so I want to get paid well.

So it's still hard for me to find me another job that would be best for me, so who says jobs are easy, eh? Just hang in there...tell your g/f what happened before you take her anywhere...tell her that you didnt get the job and thank her for trying her best to help and just take her out to a movie or something.
Reba said:
Maybe age was an insurance or bonding requirement?
I probably will hate myself for this but I agree with you. I think it was due to insurance as well.

I'd think that UPS have the same policy for UPS drivers? I mean, 25 years and up to drive the UPS vehicles. Come to think of it... I never see any younger than 25 years old drivers who drive the UPS trucks.
Aw I'm sorry to hear that AJ, It may be the case of why you didn't get hire as a driver is cause they may want someone who has a record of their past driving experiences that may be why they want someone older such as the age of 25 as you said, UPS do that by checking to be sure they have a good driving records and They couldn't hire my ex nephew as a driver for the UPS truck cause he was 19 at that time and didn't have any experiences as a driver, no record or anything...., but he got the job anyways as loading the boxes in the UPS trucks instead of driving one of those UPS trucks.....

There are more jobs out there that you can apply for, don't give up AJ, I'm sure you will find a better job than this! hang in there dude :hug:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
maybe you should sue them for age discrimination.

I don't believe it was an age discrimination Miss P, I think it more to do the driving experiences and the insurance...
I was pissed off that I couldn't rent an U Haul to help me with the move after the graduation becuase I was under 25. I also imagine the renters and insurance hate to deal with many young adults who might have proven to have too high of a liability for them to handle.

I like this job search engine - www.monster.com, and all that job search stuff. AJ, your GF has to understand that it's not your fault that the job she helped getting you didn't pan out for you. This too shall pass... in the meanwhile, hang in there.
Liza said:
I was pissed off that I couldn't rent an U Haul to help me with the move after the graduation becuase I was under 25. I also imagine the renters and insurance hate to deal with many young adults who might have proven to have too high of a liability for them to handle.

OMG, I can't believe this, I thought that the U Haul near my ex parent's house were the only place who wouldn't let me rent a truck so I could move into a new apartment.....I went thru exactly the same as you did Liza, I was 18 at that time and was carry my first child which I was 7 months pregnant, They refused to let me rent an U Haul truck either cause of my age, so my dad is the one who rent it for us, it was the only way I could be able to move my things out of my ex husband's parents house....They told me I was too young to rent one.... :squint:

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