First of all, attorney fees of a bank is always include the closing cost, no differnce between foreclosed houses and normal purchase houses.
And DEPENDING on which state you live, my state requires that I get my own attorney, and I THINK it is very wise investment because my attorney did caught error on mortgage underwriter and defend my closing process.
Back taxes, this is very rare, UNLESS it is bought though sheriff or court process which usually cost just taxes itself, the rest it is free. Generally like that, usually house is in infested area where you won't want to buy it anyway.
Finally, back taxes STILL can happen though regular purchase of houses (Not foreclosured ones). How to defend that? Easy, get TITLE INSURANCE! Title Insurance purpose is to make sure there is no back taxes, and the cost, I think around 500 dollars. This is lifetime insurance which means if in 30 years and bam! County found a tax bill that has not bbeen paid... without title insurance, your STUCK with it plus penalty and interest. Title Insurance takes care of this.
I have been homeowner for 7 years of this foreclosed home.
Just read the fine prints before buying a foreclosed home. Sometimes it includes the back taxes and Lawyer fees in the price of the foreclosed home.