I am intriguing, why would you put a picture for your avatar


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May 20, 2003
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cookie, why do you put a picture of a dog chase the vaccum ?? It is hardly seeing on your avator?

I choice Garfield dancer in my avator because of remind my cat, Pumpkin. She has very thick beautiful tail. I do sometime played with Pumpkin tail when she danced. Amn't I weird ? ;)
there's nothing wrong with her avator. if u get that changed too then i dont know what to think.
AJ said:
there's nothing wrong with her avator. if u get that changed too then i dont know what to think.

I did not ask her to change her avator. I am only asking her, what is it in that picture on her avator. Also, I am curious why she pick that picture.
Sabrina said:
I did not ask her to change her avator. I am only asking her, what is it in that picture on her avator. Also, I am curious why she pick that picture.

maybe because she likes it.
I chose my avatar because it is a picture I took a couple of years ago that I just happen to be proud of. Its a picture of a sidewalk running parallel with a fence that I took at night a couple of years ago, and I loved how the colors turned out. I have tons more of them that I'll probably rotate through. Even one with a train passing by.
<-- that means i am the happiest climber on taller walls of rocks in the world.*looking down at seneca rocks- 190ft above the ground* i have the joy when i do rock climbing. :)
LOL Sabby!! :lol: It's a revised version of Gizmo the cute Gremlin from "Gremlins" driving the automated Barbie car & Gizmo's chasing after the cute dog. (Before the awful greenies comes out!)



The bad greenies!!!

*drum rolls!* The piece de resistance.....


I'm so bad.. I'm so gewd!!

^ That's my answer and I'm sticking to it. Heh! :lol:
<~~~I choose this avatar because I love the ocean view, and I always dreams being on an island with a mystery guy alone. Paradise is one of them.;) (All I need is a mystery guy from my dreams)
deafclimber said:
<-- that means i am the happiest climber on taller walls of rocks in the world.*looking down at seneca rocks- 190ft above the ground* i have the joy when i do rock climbing. :)

You did not tell us that you were trying to be like this man? ;)

I choose mine because I love angels - have been visited by angels twice and will never forget that. I truly do believe in angels.

Cherub is my favorite angels - I have tons of cherub pictures or statutes in my bedroom, including a huge pic of cherubs over my bed to protect me.
I chose my avator cuz it the kind of dog that I like pomeranian and this pix of my dog that I truly missed him. I loves him so much. Poor TinyBoy which I had to put him down due to injury to his neck. MMMMMMMWWWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Tinyboy!!
<--- I'm very enjoy w/my hubby love peep'n you.. :D (cautionisly vulturing you extreme dangerous!)
as for my halloween theme month!
Mine is a blend of a real photo of me with photos of Wonder Woman in her two personas (Princess Diana/Diana Prince). I relate to her because the Diana Prince character was a Navy WAVE just like I was, and we both "fight" against evil. :)
I choose my avatar cuz i am goofy and i like ot be scary .. its halloween time and want to be silly.. heh.. :giggle:
I choice this avator cuz I love "ILY" hand in sign language, popular "ILY" hand for everybody. :ily:
(This is Chris) Patty won't let me put my avatar :tears:

If I do... I am sure you will have me ban :giggle:
Cookie Monster said:
(This is Chris) Patty won't let me put my avatar :tears:

If I do... I am sure you will have me ban :giggle:


I'm very tempt and curiouis what your gonna be avatar next ? *can you tiny naughty sneak and put avatar on..?*

Just for a day.. (chuckles)