That's one of the stupidest reason to get a divorce for, Whatever happened to the vows that they promised to each others? "For better and For worst"
I can understand if people get a divorce because of violence abuse, child abuse, adultery, and drug abuse. Those are good reasons for a divorce.But, money issues? Communication?
It's a very sad thing, but scubadeaf is right money issues is one of the main reasons for divorce. I heard this on a christian talk radio some of the top reasons for divorce and sad to say its on the top list followed by communication.
I agree. That's why my brother is getting a second divorce because of financial and lack of communication issues. He is very irresponsible with his money. Plus he have five kids to pay child support. He never pay any child support. All he spent on luxury items such as 44" plasma television, new truck, tools, etc. I don't like the way he treated my sister in law and five kids so that is why I disown my brother.
Then your brother should be in jail for not paying child support?
My friend is getting a divorce cuz of money. Her husband got the family in debt again after they had filed for bankrupty 4 years ago. *sighs*
He was such a great guy and so good to her but seems like his addiction to buying things they cant afford ruined everything.
My brother was in jail few times in the past because of drugs. He stopped doing it for over six years. He still have a lot of problems with his life right now. He haven't went to jail because of that yet.
Sorry to hear about your friend.![]()
Yea...she is scared and down. She will move out in October. Hopefully things will get better for her. I just feel bad for her big time. Divorce is not fun..I have been thru one again and hope to never go thru it again.
I am sorry about your brother. Drugs are evil! They ruined my cousin. She became a streetwalker and lived on the streets. Last I heard, she did rehab and recovered but who knows?
I agree. Meth destoryed my brother's soul. He is not same person as he used to be. He have no common senses or able to see what he did was wrong. My parents, my sister, sister in law, his kids, and I yelled at him for many things what he did to us. He just doesn't get it. We realized that we can't do anything to change him because Meth destroyed my brother. That's why my family and I have to let him go which is hardest thing even we done.
sorry about your brother, yeah "tough love" is the way to go, if he wants to get better he has to make the first step, noone else can. It's pretty sad as I do watch that show "intervention" I feel sorry for many of them that drugs or booze takes over their lives. Some become sober, some relapsed.
I totally know what you feeling as my beautiful cousin is on crack/alcoholism and being in rehab so many times probably the last 20 years and he just doesn't know how to do it differently.. what can we do?? He writes beautiful poetry and some were being published and same he hid in safety box... It's darn hard, as I've told my dad whom kept feeling sorry for him and gives him money since he can't keep a job... I have told my dad not to keep giving him any money that will support his drug habit. I can understand from my dad's point of view which my uncle (my dad's bro) had died of alcoholism at a very young age.
We can only do what is best for our family, you did it with love that you just can help anymore... bless your heart and family..
how is everything married? i hope everyting ok!![]()