ah you are back, ms fortuneteller...

will i live in colorado within 10 yrs or 15 yrs ? if not, then what state ? if so, what town ?
deafclimber said:
ah you are back, ms fortuneteller...

will i live in colorado within 10 yrs or 15 yrs ? if not, then what state ? if so, what town ?

maybe somewhere southeast close by water, maybe Florida. :dunno:
Taylor said:
What is going to happen to me on June 10th at 1:36 pm?

I was boring as heck tonight.. so I decided to surf around and reading old posts.. I found this interesting...

see what Taylor said.. I tried to dig up when things happened to him..
(i keep poofing after i tried to get on other new window www. -- I am still on dial up internet) ughh..

Oh.. I just looked up the thread.. Prayers need for Taylor... its July 30th 2005

thats scary..
Miss P.. are you still in for this?

:slap: (wake up) hehe
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most of time i not think i would get married cuz i don't have man to love i lost my EX 10 years ago GRR

so do you see anything in the future for me ??? miss p.
