I Am Dreading My Audiology Appointment

The Box (aka, Thunderdome): Two men enter, one man leaves.
we know what the results where sadly...

they got her..
its clear as crystal jane.b.

she entered the chamber...
if she did leave it, she as i stated wont be the same..

(drags joint)
reminds me of that scene in american werewolf in london, where the two yanks leave the slaughtered lamb pub, ( which had a bloody hungry wolf for its logo..no lamb!), as they wander along the gllomy moors to their doom, the pub goers of course have a chat...that went such..

"we should of told them"

"bah..girl...not for us to say" (in heavy limey accent..)

"we cant let them go..'

(the moon is bright....wolves howl in the distance...)

a man drinking alone in the corner..
"aye ..we need to save them..." (i bow signing thus....i like to thank the academy...)

so on...as a five pointed pentagram flcikers in the candle light...

(drags joint)..

we tried to warn damnx....

but we failed...


(smoke rises to slowly....my eyes fall to the slant of sunlight still reaching...)

Let's all have a moment of silence for yet another victim of the dreaded box. May the gods have mercy on her soul, wherever she is.