I wish my "hairy" Hubby was open to ASL... he is in such DENIAL about Nicholas. I mean he talks to him like he can hear.. I keep saying and showing him how to talk and sign at the same time.... he keeps saying that I know he can hear me.....
He reminds me of the person who talks really LOUDLY to the Russian person thinking that if they talk loud enough that the language barrier will go away. We always talk louder to them expecting them to understand what we are saying.... IT's like WAKE up you BOZO, the Russian lady is not deaf !!!
I feel like this with my husband....I feel like my husband and I even have a language barrier between us at this time in our lives. We just can't seem to agree on Most things...
What's a MOm to do ?

I am doing the best I can. I took this year off from work to be with him and learn all I can.
Nicholas has had 8 surgeries in the first 9.5 months of his life.
He is having his 9th surgery this Thursday.... For those of you spiritual folks, please send prayers.
The only other thing that he needs to have done this year is have his feeding tube removed, which will be done in August.
This Thursday my little guy will be having his tear ducts created in both of his eyes. He was born without tear ducts. We originally thought that his ducts were just blocked but when he had a surgery to attempt to open them, the EYE surgeon said that we would have to reschedule as there was nothing to open, he doesn't have ducts, they will need to be created with Tubes that will be sewn into place for the next 3 months.
The good news is.... My other two kids (Rachel 6 and Lauren 4) really enjoy learning sign language. I am teaching them how to sing/sign the ABC song, which the little guy LOVES...
It is so amazing the way that he studies my hands when I am doing this with him. He loves it...
I have seen him "babbling" in ASL to him self.. AND today he finally signed "more" to the yummy blueberry applesauce that i was giving him tonight at dinner. (this is a first) but it made me feel so good to see him do it and then when I got all excited, he got all excited and started smiling and got all squirmy in his seat.... It was sooooo cute!
The Learning Center for the Deaf is part of Nicks early intervention process. We are having in home classes this summer with the two girls to learn how to play with him and sign with ASL. If you all have any suggestions as to how to get through to my husband, I am open to your suggestions. (We are already seeing a counselor)
Thanks for listening... GOD BLESS[/QUOTE]
Awwww a cute baby! Give his Daddy more time. Try a handsign "I love you" to him more often ... Hopefully that will help him to accept more. Or even play ASL games etc. His two older sisters must be very proud to have a little brothah! I love TLC school, Framingham. It has a nice and warm environment. I grew up oral and started learning ASL at Gallaudet when I was 18 or 19. Even I had some hearing with my hearing aid, I wish I had learned ASL back then because I missed out alot. Nick's very blessed to have you because he goes to the TLC where he can pick up signs and makes friends! Trust me .. no bullying, fightings etc there. I went thru myself in the hearing school and it was horrible! Good luck!