I am a Janitor (no.. I'm Kidding)

Sad for ya......there s always next year...
Originally posted by Apocalypse
Sad for ya......there s always next year...

It is easier for you to say that.

YLC is only for sophomore and juniors. I am going to be senior in next fall.

so, it is a saddest day for me!
Damn damn... I see what u mean, kinda messed up in a way.. Wish I coulda helped u or something
Originally posted by Janitor
Damn damn... I see what u mean, kinda messed up in a way.. Wish I coulda helped u or something

oh yeah, it would be really sweet of you to helping me out in some ways.


Oh well, this is something that I have to move on?

They just told me that I can be YLC staff. I was like, huh without not going there as a student. oh how stupid is that?
Originally posted by Apocalypse
you can go as staff and take advantage to be there and have fun??

Yeah, I will have fun. but how can I face this hypocrite with YLC?
Originally posted by Janitor
lol no you can't go just yet, you have to be in Gallaudet I think

Of course, im goin to gally.

excuse me, it is not because of gay/lesbian are there.

just because the majors that i wanted and they have that what i wanted.
Originally posted by Janitor
Thank you for the warm friendly welcome...

Yes Leesa, Smartiesgeek, I remember you *winks* Heard you're going to YLC congratulations

and luckyx13x, I'm sure I met you at ESDAA in Rhode Island, but don't remember you completely though...

And other than that, what do you people do around here mostly on alldeaf.com?

Calvin- I never went to ESDAA track tournament in Rhode Island and I never went to RI. :)

It's me Katie, Chris Nigro's gf