I admit that I ....... Part 3... *re-opening*

ecevit said:
I admit that Angel seems to be trying to be our mothers :giggle:
Mom, can you prepare my breakfast for me ? :lol:

Mom? Yike!!

I admit I'm no one's mom since I got my own kids! LOL
Cheri said:
I admit that I have a huge headache anyone got aspirin? Or a hammer to knock me out would be nice too. :fingersx:
maybe you need
I don't know about you and others but coffee makes my headache go away
p.s. I admit that I am drinking coffee right now
I admit that there are alot of ppls from AD are getting sick, I already was sick few weeks ago whew
EyesBlueDeaf said:
maybe you need
I don't know about you and others but coffee makes my headache go away
p.s. I admit that I am drinking coffee right now

LOL! I admit that I'm not a coffee drinker :barf:
I admit that I need to sleep since it's 00:18 am here.
Take care all ADers :bye:
Catmandu said:
I admit exactly what I said to Nuty.

I admit that she is a smart aleck, that's for damn sure! No wonder she's from "Masshole"... Don't take my word for it... click the link and find out for yourself to see why! Masshole.net

ButterflyGirl said:
I must admit that I can't stand people who have NO sense of humor. They are one of my pet peeves :(

I admit that I'm that way too! Look at Catmandu for example! LOL
I admit that Nuty needs a blow-up doll of Catmandu :buttsex:
Cheri said:
I admit that Nuty needs a blow-up doll of Catmandu :buttsex:

I admit that its time for me to start cooking dinner. Have a good evening!!
Cheri said:
I admit that Nuty needs a blow-up doll of Catmandu :buttsex:

Naaa, who the hell want to see her face! LOL just kidding...

FYI, I'm happier married...and I'm sure her too. :)
I admit I'm a lifetime Masshole and I drive like one and will die on fast lane on Route 95 with no scratch on my face. ;)

I admit who would want a terribly worn-twat-blow-up Catmandu?? :ugh:
Catmandu said:
I admit who would want a terribly worn-twat-blow-up Catmandu?? :ugh:

I admit that maybe AJ would? (ducking) :lol:


Oooh ooh.....
Aah, ah... rag doll
Oooh ooh....

(Hand me down)
When she was just a kid
Her clothes were
Hand me down
(Hand me down)
They always laughed at her
When she came into town

Called her rag doll
Little rag doll
Such a pretty face
Should be dressed in lace

Oooh ooh......

(Sad rag doll)
I'd change her sad rags
Into glad rags
If I could (if I could)
My folks won't let me
Cause they say
That she's no good

She's a rag doll
Such a rag doll
Though I love her so
I can't let her know

Oooh ooh.....
Aah ah....rag doll
I love you just
The way you are

Oooh ooh.....
Rag doll, oooh
Aah ah..... rag doll
I admit, Im frigg'n sick-mood-swings... ain't think harder.. so-so decide change my sig..
Who cares.. Don't ask me.. fuk why am I sick for 2 1/2 days from now... *mumbling*
Poor ppls getting bad headaches.

I admit that its almost time for me to hit bed and dont tuck me in heh