Hurricanes with female names are deadlier b/c people don't respect them

I was really surprise to hear that people think the name of a hurricane mean how strong it will be. People are sexist about hurricanes having a female name .
That's a ridiculous theory. :lol:
Goes to say..."Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".....:lol:

Anyhow's....this theory is...ridiculous!
LOL what? there's Ivan, Barry, Bill, Humberto, and Dennis, to name a few...
So our 1989 "Hugo", FL's "Andrew" were small potatoes? Sorry, there is no proof.

btw, hurricane "Sandy". Male or Female? :confused:

Yes, because the hurricane has genitals somewhere in that massive thing and when we name it the genitals form. Once the vagina forms it starts getting PMS and emotional insecurities and men start taunting it and it becomes a vicious force of nature destroying anything in her path becoming more destructive than her male counterparts... Makes total sense if you ask me... :roll:

Yes, because the hurricane has genitals somewhere in that massive thing and when we name it the genitals form. Once the vagina forms it starts getting PMS and emotional insecurities and men start taunting it and it becomes a vicious force of nature destroying anything in her path becoming more destructive than her male counterparts... Makes total sense if you ask me... :roll:

yes big hole, and insanity and arms flinging......:lol:

Yes, because the hurricane has genitals somewhere in that massive thing and when we name it the genitals form. Once the vagina forms it starts getting PMS and emotional insecurities and men start taunting it and it becomes a vicious force of nature destroying anything in her path becoming more destructive than her male counterparts... Makes total sense if you ask me... :roll:

I would love to hear this in a weather report! :laugh2:
Well shoot! When are they going to add Jess to the list! :pissed:

Hurricane Jess will come.... she will be the most destructive of them ALL! More destructive than that silly hurricane Issac... :roll: Remember all those evacuation warnings we had, CLEAR THE AREA, it's going to be deadly blah blah blah... Then.... this....

I hope they never name a hurricane "Kitty Kitty."
For many years, they only used female names. Are they including those hurricanes in the totals?