I didn't mean we would pitch our tents in the hurricane zone. I meant that we wouldn't have to rely on a motel room once we got to a safe area.
Also, in addition to our large tents, we bring a kid-size tent that we can use for privacy with our camping toilet. We found out the hard way that some highways don't even have bushes for privacy when nature calls.
When we were evacuating with thousands of other people, eventually no one worried about modesty. Some people just opened up both car doors on the passenger side, and squated between them.
Evacuations are no fun.
It's like living in a third world nation. You're reduced to the basic necessities of life. Also, when you evacuate, you don't expect to see your house again. When we left our house, I actually looked at it and said, "good-bye". I really didn't expect to see it again.