Hurricane Katrina killed 17 Deaf People!


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Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 10:13:21 -0400
News New Orlean , Louisiana .....................................................

Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 03:20:33 EDT

Gina Ruebush (deaf, white, mid-60s) killed off of Hayne Blvd=A0in New=20
Orleans. Call 210-678-9232.

Fran Blackston (deaf mother) with her infant daughter=A0Rose Marie, killed=
in Bayou Batre, Louisiana.

Chad Morgan (25, deaf, legally blind) killed in Brookhaven, Mississippi.=20
Please email his brother with info
Michael Holmes & William Nicks (deaf group from Woodhaven Baptist Deaf=20
Church in Houston, Texas) killed in New Orleans area.

Madeline Scott (deaf)=A0died at Reliant Center in New Orleans.

Martha Coray (deaf) killed in New Orleans.

Jerry Galloway died at the seating in the deaf section near the medical=20
station in New Orleans.

Sterling Everidge (deaf mute) died at the Reliant Center in New Orleans=20
and call 504-710-3510.

James Francis Smith Sr. (deaf, white, 85) from Nashville, Tennessee is=20
missing in Louisiana or Mississippi. Call 615-832-6364.

Monroe Bowens (deaf) killed at the post office in New Orleans East=20
(where he worked).

Anne Farmer & Jane Hardy (elderly, deaf) killed in Constantinople and=20
Prytania Street. Call 917-846-2265.

James Firmin (37, black, 5-9, 220, deaf, speak ASL) died last Sunday. He=20
lived in 200 Clouvert Street, New Orleans 70117. Call 804-986-9194 or=20
804-249-3682 or [].

Lenny Kaye & Morrell English (deaf, blind) killed in Pine, Louisiana.

News New Orlean, Louisiana reported there will more information few days
8 missing listen more ..........................................................................................

Oh Geee... *GooseBumps* Sorry their family lost love ones....

I pray them and hopefully rest of them whoever alive..... and stay healthier...
I have this on my site but there no proof of information because the reason is They havent put out death list out on public yet. I know some of those are missing in other list but havent not confirm it. IT may be someone that know that they died but you know how that goes I wouldnt not dare to go in.

IF this is confirmed then my condelences (sp?) to those people. I think I know one that may be related to one family that has few members that use go to my school.
How did u get this info of dead deaf ppl? I knew one person from this list. I am shocked but will find out if it is accurate information. Pray for who lost them in the storm.
Moondancer said:
How did u get this info of dead deaf ppl? I knew one person from this list. I am shocked but will find out if it is accurate information. Pray for who lost them in the storm.

I got this from email a friend of mine. Hopefully, they will find them. It stated, they haven't seen those people for several days. :cry:
Monroe Bowens (deaf) killed at the post office in New Orleans East=20
(where he worked.

My condolences to all if this is true. What puzzles me is Monroe Bowens was killed at the Post Office??? I thought there was an order to vacate and I would have thought that a government agency such as this one would have vacated before devastation struck.....
How did u get this info of dead deaf ppl? I knew one person from this list. I am shocked but will find out if it is accurate information. Pray for who lost them in the storm.
oh man.. sowwy to hear abt that.. i am looking for my old classmate and her baby live there.. i really worried abt them... sigh... i havent hear from them..
Tousi said:
Monroe Bowens (deaf) killed at the post office in New Orleans East=20
(where he worked.

My condolences to all if this is true. What puzzles me is Monroe Bowens was killed at the Post Office??? I thought there was an order to vacate and I would have thought that a government agency such as this one would have vacated before devastation struck.....
maybe he was shot by the looters..

i dunno if its all true.. i pray for them to be safe whereever they are. heaven, free land, home, etc..
awww, I hope some of the deaf people who were missing can be recovered and that's a lot of deaf people who were killed in a hurricane. I pray for their safety and their family greiving missing their beloved ones. My schoolmate who graduated in 1995, got killed in a hurricane 2 years ago in Florida.
oh man sheesh that is awful 17 people dead so far

i am praying for the families of the deaf victims of course
that is so sad, I wonder about the blind people and other people with disabilities
RIP to those who died there. Really sad.

I see last name on email listen here is exactly as my husbands'. Give me goosebump.
Yep, I received an email from one of my good Christian friends today. They are in my thoughts and prayer.
I also got an email, too.

It's very very very sad to learn the loss of innoncent people who caused by katrina... :(

They are my thoughts and prayer, no matter either I know them or not.
Recently, I got email about that. it is HOAX!!!!

"Hurricane killed 17 deaf" ..... It's a hoax, and it had caused a HUGE uproar among the families- they are unnecessarily upset. I followed up with the Red Cross and they gave me the FACTS.

Gine Ruebush is ALIVE-she is at George R. Brown Convention Center at this point- her family is picking her up tomorrow.

Michel Holmes is alive with his mom- have been with her all the whole time.

Madeline Scott is alive in Houston, currently with friends.

Sterling Everidge was picked up from LSD -yesterday--and he's alive. His family has him now.

Billy Hick IS missing, not dead (not confirmed.)

Monroe Bowens is alive, currently working with post office in Houston. .

Jerry Galloway is not dead- but his name is NOT on dead list, so he's not confirmed dead- just missing- his wife is looking for him in the dome.

James Smith- his fate unknown.

Martha Corway- her fate unknown.

Anne Farmer and Fran Hardy- are ALIVE- were last seen at the Astrodome- suspected of being sent out to a state as evacuees.

James Firmin is alive at the Astrodome.

Lenny Kaye- his fate unknown- but Red Cross is following up thinking that he may be at George R. Brown.

Same for Morrell English.

I was told that the Red Cross will send me the CORRECT information of who died, if ANY in truth.

Keep in mind, deaf people do rely on electricity to communicate via SKs, pagers and internet. Do you think there's going to be any outside cafes open for those Deaf people to reach their loved ones? I think not and I think caution & respect should have been exercised before posting those names for privacy purposes.
Subject: E-Mail from Wes Morgan

Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 20:59:50 -0700


I think that his name was inadvertently placed on a list of the missing, not
dead, but everyone just assumes the worst and someone declared him dead.
Please let everyone know that he is alive and well. Thanks!
