Humidity Problems?


New Member
Dec 20, 2009
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We are in the middle of a heat wave here. Last week I had sent my HAs back because of intermittent issues. Those have been resolved, but now my R HA keeps making a 'popping' noise. My audi thinks it might just be the humidity.
The popping is just at a volume that i can barely hear it, so it's annoying the heck outta me. It goes louder and softer as i adjust the volume of the HAs, and continues if I remove my glasses and stand still.
Anyone ever had this problem before? They are Naida V UPs.
is it possible that you have condensation (water/moisture) in the tubing ???

I've had pop,crackle and other noises just from humidity in the tubing of my BTE ... I switched to using a special "dry" tubing that has a thicker wall and is designed to reduce humidity issues - since then I haven't had any problems :)
It would be ideal to invest a dry and store box. Since I had them my HA's are so much better in terms of clarity and "freshness" in the mornings and by the end of day I could tell they became consengated (SP). As it came with the CI I put both CI and HA in it.

In England the humidity is quite high all the time.
yes, definitely invest in a Dry and Store drying kit for your hearing aids.
I think you audi's casual response kind of stinks, especially if he then did nothing.
I wear a Phonak SuperFront aid in my left ear. There is a heat wave right now and I use the dry and store ohterwise the battery will get wet and rusty in a few days.
I am verrrrrrrrrrrrry familiar with that popping and crackling sound. Been familiar with that for about 10 years until I stopped wearing hearing aids. I first discovered that problem in high school during phy ed (mainstream school, didn't want the interpreter in gym class). I also wore hearing aids after high school when bicycling was my main form of transportation for obvious safety purposes. Wore them when doing physical labor so I could communicate with hearing people better. In the end the hearing aid problems were working against me. The costs of hearing aid repairs outweighted the benefits of hearing aid use. I did try using those dry boxes, dry bag, all that stuff. They didn't seem to help. The last pair of hearing aids, I took them to the audiologist that I bought them. The audiologist sent out my hearing aids to have them repaired. When they came back, they told me that they replaced the microphones and could not find any problems. I tried them again, they were still crackling and popping. The last pair lasted me about a year and a half, bah to hearing aids!

Deaf, deaf, deafless, hoh, whatever label hearing and deaf people put on me...
I am still DEAF and damn pround to be hearing aid-less for 5 years. Hearing people ask me how much I can hear...I always say, "I am deaf, D-E-A-F, deaf." That usually shuts them up.
I am verrrrrrrrrrrrry familiar with that popping and crackling sound. Been familiar with that for about 10 years until I stopped wearing hearing aids. I first discovered that problem in high school during phy ed (mainstream school, didn't want the interpreter in gym class). I also wore hearing aids after high school when bicycling was my main form of transportation for obvious safety purposes. Wore them when doing physical labor so I could communicate with hearing people better. In the end the hearing aid problems were working against me. The costs of hearing aid repairs outweighted the benefits of hearing aid use. I did try using those dry boxes, dry bag, all that stuff. They didn't seem to help. The last pair of hearing aids, I took them to the audiologist that I bought them. The audiologist sent out my hearing aids to have them repaired. When they came back, they told me that they replaced the microphones and could not find any problems. I tried them again, they were still crackling and popping. The last pair lasted me about a year and a half, bah to hearing aids!

Deaf, deaf, deafless, hoh, whatever label hearing and deaf people put on me...
I am still DEAF and damn pround to be hearing aid-less for 5 years. Hearing people ask me how much I can hear...I always say, "I am deaf, D-E-A-F, deaf." That usually shuts them up.

I think you audi's casual response kind of stinks, especially if he then did nothing.

no no, they did recommend a dry box thingy for me the last time i was there. Next time i'm near there I will pick one up. I think it is a humidity problem; it's been happening mostly when it's humid.
I think the best product out there is dry and store. It also disinfects.
My naidas fail in the humidity too. Stupid hearing aids. I qualify for ADP again in January. I am definitely going to start looking for new aids then.
Jenny I almost laugh every time you post with another problem regarding your Phonak aids. Almost. Until I remember how much you paid for them.:(
Jenny I almost laugh every time you post with another problem regarding your Phonak aids. Almost. Until I remember how much you paid for them.:(

These demonic little hunks of purple translucent plastic hate me...I want to throw them off a building only to have them run over by car, consquently pushed down a man hole, to float helplessly threw a river of toilet water, only to be later ingested by a rat, then digested and deposited throughout the underground of the city via rat poop and then slowly compost to never be seen again.
These demonic little hunks of purple translucent plastic hate me...I want to throw them off a building only to have them run over by car, consquently pushed down a man hole, to float helplessly threw a river of toilet water, only to be later ingested by a rat, then digested and deposited throughout the underground of the city via rat poop and then slowly compost to never be seen again.

Sad to say, I don't think they are biodegradable. Your Naidas will live forever! :evil:
Sad to say, I don't think they are biodegradable. Your Naidas will live forever! :evil:

I assumed after some rat digestion they would be at least mutilated enough to not be recognizable.

Perhaps the rat poop can end up in a tragic, hellish, fire in the depths of Toronto's underworld?
I assumed after some rat digestion they would be at least mutilated enough to not be recognizable.

Perhaps the rat poop can end up in a tragic, hellish, fire in the depths of Toronto's underworld?

That works. :lol:
My last Phonak had probs with humidity. My new one is water resistant.....No problems so far.......