I was stationed in Ft Rucker Alabama. How close is that to you?I did have a private pilot license but lost it due to not being able to pass the physical anymore. My dad was military and learned how to fly helicopters and fixed wings and when I was growing up he had his own flight school so I got to teach some of the ground school classes for him after I turned 16. The doctor says that about one third of my hearing loss is due to all those years around planes and choppers. I wouldn't trade it for the world though cause it was time with my dad and we were so happy. Oh and I can't dive either I have a phobia of water, if I can't see the bottom or what is in the water then I ain't gettin in it. I would love to chat with you more!
My phobia is not of water but of being enclosed. And I don't think
I like the idea of depending on a machine to breath either!
I only fixed helicopters, but my pilots liscense is for fixed wing. I
haven't flown in 20 years though. You can afford to fly or you can
afford to have kids. Not both! lol A good friend of mine used to work
with her father and he owned his own airport in Hendersonville NC
called Winkler Aviation. I used to ride my bike there on weekends and
do odd jobs around the airport in exchange for flying lessons. I soloed
when I was 16. Ahhhh this brings back some good memories. No wonder
I didn't do to well academically in high school! When I wasn't working in
the restaurant as a dishwasher 30 hours a week, I was flying and working
at the airport. Kept me out of trouble though!