Welcome Bumble! I'm deaf, too...Californian bred and raised, but living in Australia.
Hope you find this site an interesting, entertaining and educational place!
Welcome Bumble i like that interesting screename I'm a native New Yorker (Long Island), then near St.Louis Missouri, then near Chicago ILL and then
in Northern Virginia. I'm profound deaf. I feel sorry for being unable to have any good business with hearing aid salespeople because I recently got a hearing test discovering that I cannot hear anything except airplane sounds.
Even these hearing aids salespeople said that any hearing aids are worthless for me !!! By the way, Oh I learned that Concorde plane being gone for good due to these New Yorkers complaints about its extremely loud sound over their houses. They ought to build a deaf city at any extremely loud environment where we will NOT complain at all
Hello Bumble *waving*.. I am Cheri and Im from Ohio.. am i deaf? let me check *cleaning my ears*... umm yes i supposly im deaf! hehehe.. Welcome to alldeaf.... hope to see you on some posts *smile*...