How you feel ??


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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There is big question for me to ask you all...

How do u feel if you saw a preggy lady smoking weeds every-day?? I amitted that i made a mistake.. i should not go with her at the first place.. but now i am looking at her that she is made DUMB mistake smoking up weed everyday... and her boyfriend came to me and start saying stuff that i shouldnt smoke up for my reason.. and maybe i am wrong for do it.. i dont know.. Anyway.. i was getting pissed off at this guy saying stuff to me.. and i really so BAD that i want to yell at him saying what about ur baby? ur gf is smoking weed every day.. and she is soon ready to having baby soon.. and he letting her smoking up everyday and hassing me that i shouldnt smoke up... that is really pissed me off.... I mean .... is it me that i am doing wrong? or what?? i dont get it..

So i am asking you now.. how u feel that?? so I can show him how dumb he is that he is letting his gf smoking up everday while she is having baby...
retard fucker, she should think of her own baby first... its unhealthy for babies.. her life...
Originally posted by Apocalypse
retard fucker, she should think of her own baby first... its unhealthy for babies.. her life...

yeah i know... she seems not to care... and plus her first child... i have noticed that this girl is not taking care of her frist child.. but like u say it is her life.. lots of people are looking down at her...
when the baby is born the dr will find out and I hate to say this maybe the dr will take the baby away from her .
Originally posted by RosesNY
when the baby is born the dr will find out and I hate to say this maybe the dr will take the baby away from her .

i think she never told the doc that she smoked weeds.. and if the doc did take her.. i am glad! cuz i dont want the baby to be suffer because of her...
It is really dumb thing to do since they do not care, let their baby be fucked up, they will regret later.
Originally posted by Purple82moon
i think she never told the doc that she smoked weeds.. and if the doc did take her.. i am glad! cuz i dont want the baby to be suffer because of her...

You will be surpise dr will know everything the dr will take her blood test and the DNA never lie so it will tell everything what she did to her body
Erm. . .that's like totally fucked up. No joke.

I've got no problem with a person inhaling whatever they choose to, I mean, it's their body, their decision. But when the process of you inhaling something harms another person, another being's body, without their consent, is just fucking bullshit.

Hell, if the kid wants to grow up and be a pothead, I'l cool with that, but it should be his/her choice. Shit, they don't even have a chance to lead a drug-free life, before their even fucking born.

The bitch should be shot.
I have seen some friends do the same thing smoking pot while they're pregant.. but Thank god! my ex-Wife never did this while she's preggy. I am sure that girl who smoke weed everyday will be sorry. never know if baby become retard, they could learn a lesson. and other sad thing... if she smoke weed. state or doctor find out, sad... baby gone bye bye to foster home or away for adoption,

In fact.. I am single father why? my ex-wife use drugs and abuse. Well, drug related can lead to abuse.
i REFUSE do anything when i'm pregnant - BIG NO WAY! :nono:

i want to see my baby to be HEALTHY! :D
Same here... and I dont understand why this guy who is the father of the baby was "hassing" me because i smoked up (( for your information.. i am not preggy)) ... and i so bad really want to tell him to look at his gf who is smoking pot everyday...

if i got preggy.. for sure i will keep my baby heathy.. i mean that is most important thing in our lives.. uknow...
Originally posted by RosesNY
when the baby is born the dr will find out and I hate to say this maybe the dr will take the baby away from her .

I don't know about that...I knew someone from school - never was really friends with her cos she defrauded my name by using my Medical stickers to get her fix of painkillers. She used drugs through out her 2 pregnancies..I think 3..don't know now. But she used crank (crystal meth), weed, popped pills while she was preggers.
She still has the kids and they're fine which I was surprised. Social Worker system hasn't taken her kids away at all. I thought they would've done that due to her drug history, but they didn't. Pity...sad. I feel sorry for the kdis.

the mom to be is in 1 word ... NUTS !!!!!!!!!!!!! i would NOT allow my partner if shes preggy to be using drugs of ANY sort that is not previously approved by a doctor that specializes in prenatal care and a pediatrics if the mom is going to breastfeeding the baby

there are some moms to be that would use drugs and that in itself SHOWS the mom to be DOES NOT care for the child nor will she be a good mother in the years to come -- i sure hope CPS eventually gets involved in the case and takes the child out of their custody (this would also include the dads/significant other as well)
Originally posted by Fly Free
the mom to be is in 1 word ... NUTS !!!!!!!!!!!!! i would NOT allow my partner if shes preggy to be using drugs of ANY sort that is not previously approved by a doctor that specializes in prenatal care and a pediatrics if the mom is going to breastfeeding the baby

there are some moms to be that would use drugs and that in itself SHOWS the mom to be DOES NOT care for the child nor will she be a good mother in the years to come -- i sure hope CPS eventually gets involved in the case and takes the child out of their custody (this would also include the dads/significant other as well)

I second what you said. Drugs are dangerous and can damage the baby prior to can also kill and deform them.

Originally posted by WaterRats13
I second what you said. Drugs are dangerous and can damage the baby prior to can also kill and deform them.


i third that!
Originally posted by Purple82moon
Same here... and I dont understand why this guy who is the father of the baby was "hassing" me because i smoked up (( for your information.. i am not preggy)) ... and i so bad really want to tell him to look at his gf who is smoking pot everyday...

if i got preggy.. for sure i will keep my baby heathy.. i mean that is most important thing in our lives.. uknow...

i wish i was there, i would stand up/speak up for you and he shouldn't blunt at you in first place.... becuz his glf is doing same thing! its not making any sense .... also he shouldn't judge you since you are not his glf or anything ... sheesh at them! :ugh:
Originally posted by RosesNY
You will be surpise dr will know everything the dr will take her blood test and the DNA never lie so it will tell everything what she did to her body

Dr won't do anything unless they find suspectious by solid evidence or report from police or social workers/CPS.

My mother used marijuana alot (not everyday) during preggy with me. Surprise i born healthy and weight's fine. I do believe marijuana is just herb not "man-made". I was not tested by dr by DNA or blood test to trace drugs/alochol/marijuana that my mother used.

I know someone who puffed marijuana everyday during preggy with two differnet kids. Turn out born both are healthy and weright's fine. Not deformed or anything look bad. how odd!
wow i think the dr would know about when whoever is preggy can tell who on drugs but i am wrong
mmmm, i dunno.... it s hard to tell.. unless theres more facts...

i used to think my mom used weeds during my bro preggy... because my bro is disabled and i busted my mom using drugs couple of times during her preggy... i dont know if she did use drugs when i was in mom's womb. because my bro and i have similar problems. not everything though.
look like maybe some drugs dont affect the baby... but still.. i think it WRONG thing to do.. i mean.. people can wait for about at less one year... so to keep the baby safe.. but remmy sometime the weeds are not good this times.. i am sure that back the old times.. it was PURE!! but this times.. the druger will put something in the weeds... but like i say .. i will not do it ...

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