I encourage you to read this book & take the Deaf Culture course as those two go hand in hand.
I cannot stress the emphasis of my sentence here, please read this book as "The Deaf World" as a lot of factual issues and factual stories have happened.
It is documented without bias as well, now I cannot state this because Ben Bahan is a CODA. Both his parents are Deaf. Harlan Lane's background is neurolinguistics & focusing on Deaf people and ASL. Harlan Lane has written several successful Deaf books as well as scholarly articles.
Robert Hoffmeister is an Associate Professor of Education at Boston University. His field focuses on
ASL; linguistics & acquisition.
I share my perspective here in this thread however I had to hold myself back, very hard, so I wouldn't pre-set this thread with my own bias.
Naturally it is hard. I already come with a set of pre-conceived notions of what my Deaf World is. I don't deny it. Growing up, I thought the world was a Deaf World, people signed and everyone was Deaf. Everyone was the same until that was shattered.