how to prevent my step mother to stop crack my email

adn what is MSCONFIG ?
Go to "Run..." and type in MSCONFIG.

A window will appear with different tabs. One of them will be "Startup". It lists programs that start up when computer starts.

PM me your AIM screen name if you have one. :)
Oh, I think we can figure out what's going on.

-Deafironchef's stepmom who is about to be divorced, is living with them.
-She's trying to login to his myspace and other stuff, but denies it.
-He's annoyed or afraid of her logging in.

If you really want to prevent her from touching the computer at all, if its yours or your fathers - just take the keyboard and mouse or take the power cords all away. I don't know if she would dare to go out and buy another, but this way she can't turn on the PC at all.

Don't forget the monitor uses the same power cable.


If it's a laptop, take it with you where you go?
Do you use anti-virus program(s) on your computer(s)?

What you have just said sounded like your computer(s) were attacked by virus(es).
Ok, slow down, very slow.

There is no rush right now.

Explain to us everything with the most detail you can tell.

What is your stepmom trying to do?
Why is she doing this?
Access your myspace?
What make you think she is cracking your passwords?
Do you think she is good at PC?
Ok, slow down, very slow.

There is no rush right now.

Explain to us everything with the most detail you can tell.

What is your stepmom trying to do? try ruin our live
Why is she doing this? she want to make dad live awful
Access your myspace? yes but i change the password
What make you think she is cracking your passwords? she have pc and crack ops
Do you think she is good at PC? very

she state herslef say she was very good with compture

but she have crack password on her laptop
Has she ever touched your computer? Been in your home to use it when you were away?

Did you ever download any files from her, or your friend from EMAIL, MYSPACE message, or INSTANT MESSAGE?

Maybe she used her myspace to message your friend and ask him some questions, then pretend she know and scares you.

If you have Symantic Endpoint + roboform2go you are almost impossible to hack from the average hacker on the internet. Unless you have a keylogger or spyware. Or if she set up remote access to your PC. If not, only someone who REALLY hate you and they are very pro at hacking PC's, will keep trying and it will take him/her a long time to do it.
that friend will be about to be my step-mother

she best happen to me and trest me with fully fair and my dad love her more than angie than what my step mother(angie) she been trest me and devon badly all my life
Maybe Angie hacked your friend's PC??

Your PC sounds safe if you are sure she never touched it or you never downloaded any strange files.
If I were you, I would just simply reformat and reinstall OS then install rest of the programs. For my "timesaver", I would install Acronis TrueImage or Norton Ghost to backup incremently until PC is hacked, I can restore it in 15 min like yesterday. Thus prevent snooping if I'm suspicious. Keyloggers and any hackware ect wouldn't be restored through incremental backup (do that either once or twice a week or monthly) So I won't have to reinstall OS all over again.

If your PC have Restoration CDrom or have one in hdd (like booting up and hit F11 or F12 depending on pc's bootup bios flashscreen say to get into XP or Vista Restoration program. Use that and afterward, get Acronis TrueImage or Norton Ghost. Be sure you delete shortcut icons and list on Start--Programs so that she won't know you had a backup. Those software have password protect to prevent anyone access to your backup OS.

The key of prevention is reinstallation or using backed up OS. In that way ur Step-mom or any of her "cronies" wouldn't hack into ur PC. Also you can lock ur PC via BIOS setup.

As for your Blackberry, just add Password to lock ur BB. She can't break into ur BB anyway.

If she persist, call cop, simple as is!


i know its hard for you and between step-mom but you told your dad about that? but im sure dont let your step-mom took your cellphone spy your stuff i know its very serious i would agree with posts.
simple and plain sell your desktop then buy new laptop so you can bring anywhere near starbuck or else so that your mom won't nosey your laptop :)