how to get over someone.. ?!?!


New Member
Aug 10, 2011
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So, I was cheated on by my now EX boyfriend TWICE , I made the mistake of forgiving him once. Its been a few months since we broke up and he will still message me saying things and it brings up the feelings I once had for him. But Im not willing to give him a THIRD chance, I want those feelings to stop and its not like I can just change my number /: What do I do?
It is time to kick him to the curb in a very hard way.
Oh no, all I can say says something about your character to be forgiving! Yet not to the point you're a welcome mat for ppl to wipe their shoes as they please. No, you deserve the same amount of respect and love.. its not fair your ex is triggering your soft spots that he wouldn't have known when u opened your heart to him and he saw all your weakness. At least you know he cheated on u unlike those in a relationship where one lives a secret life.. just let time pass. Find interests, friends, keep busy and simply tell him he had a good thing and was dumb enough to not learn from the first time.
What do I do?

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
Time heals everything. My ex cheated on me with at least 5 women and it took me 3 years to leave him. Men can be so so so manipulative. They make you believe you mean everything to them, that you're their world, but in reality... They have no respect for you at all. You're better off on your own.
Just block his #. It cannot be that hard. He will figure that his phone number is no longer useful to you.

Would as well do that on messenger and E mails. Even de-friend him on Facebook.
Just block his #. It cannot be that hard. He will figure that his phone number is no longer useful to you.

Would as well do that on messenger and E mails. Even de-friend him on Facebook.

Easier said than done. Been there, done that. Didn't work. They find a way to get to you. Men are very manipulative and women have a tendency to forgive, have a soft spot, and try to make things amicable. Then they fall back into the vicious cycle. They need a lot of support and a slap in their face enough to realize they deserve way better.
Wirelessly posted

This jerk is not worth your time!
There is a reason for him to cheat on you TWICE, maybe you could sit down with him and have a good talk and make some valid point to make him realize and have him to tell you the truth if you deserve to keep him?!. Did he hurt you physically in the past? If so, then ignore my suggestion above.
So, I was cheated on by my now EX boyfriend TWICE , I made the mistake of forgiving him once. Its been a few months since we broke up and he will still message me saying things and it brings up the feelings I once had for him. But Im not willing to give him a THIRD chance, I want those feelings to stop and its not like I can just change my number /: What do I do?

Sounds like you already know what to do-Time be strong and say goodbye then just move on with your life. You will be much happier in the long run.
So, I was cheated on by my now EX boyfriend TWICE , I made the mistake of forgiving him once. Its been a few months since we broke up and he will still message me saying things and it brings up the feelings I once had for him. But Im not willing to give him a THIRD chance, I want those feelings to stop and its not like I can just change my number /: What do I do?

Sorry you had to go through that, it happens.

If you can, block him on your phone, email and facebook account, etc. It's going to take some time to heal, but you will get over it. In the mean time, start casual dating again, but nothing too serious. Finding someone new will take your mind of the dirtbag.
I agree. Block this jerk from everything. Afterwards, take a shower and wash him off and never, ever turn back. He doesn't deserve you. He may realize this one day, but you will have gone on by then.

If I had taken my own advice about 10 years ago, I wouldn't have been nursing a broken heart for 5 years. With age comes... age.
Like everyone said before, block any means of him communicating with you and tell him he's pissing in the wind if he thinks he has a shot of getting back with you.
take up running, you get a runner's high its like free cocaine...
Paige, he doesn't deserve you. If he will do this to you once, he will do this again and again and again. Let him know he is not good enough for you. You deserve better.

As for getting over??? I'm still trying to get over my ex wife. I suggest find a distraction.