How to get out of a dui

My grandpa drank beers while driving, that was from 1990s before Alabama passed the law to ban on open container.
Never forget...when I was working and 1 night needed a ride home from my co-worker. we worked by the river (St, Johns) and were told to be sure to keep our windows closed and food out of our cars if we parked by the river because of the River Rats....When we walked to her car to go home (and yes, she was parked by the River) with the back windows down...I opened the passenger door to get in and the biggest Rat jumped out. Scared the beejees out of me!...In her car, there was a mountain of old newspapers and fast food bags, soda cups, etc., etc. A mess...She had to clean out the front seat so I could sit down too....Nasty!...At that time my car was in the shop, but the next night I called a Cab. Never rode with her again.