Did you know that germs and bacteria are EVERYWHERE?
Yep, there are germs EVERYWHERE, if they don't want to catch any, best to stay home then..
I always tell my children to wash their hands all the time...
Did you know that germs and bacteria are EVERYWHERE?
squeeze juice from lemon and then add hot water and teaspoon honey... It´s really good for your throat and flu. I drank them a lot.
Me too and at the gym too. It gross me out after watch those people sweat out and leave sweat all over those machine. Yuck. And I hate to go to public pool too that is where I got my first fungus on my feet from there. I can image sauna is same as public pool. I rather to go to hot spring and soak there.I don't think I'd want to use a communal sauna where other people are sweating out their viruses. Ugh! I don't want to catch their germs!
squeeze juice from lemon and then add hot water and teaspoon honey... It´s really good for your throat and flu. I drank them a lot.
Sometimes cure for me.. I use strong coffee 100% HOT.. and drink glug it. Yeah it's will burn down the throat.. *ahhhhh your breath out* felt so good..
Sometimes cure for me.. vodka 1 oz drink it fast.. Let's burn down the throat.. Let's sing.. ahhhhh.. Wha..a.... great!
That's all, what I did solution!
*ahem* Yes, I admit I'm nuts.. Don't ask question!
squeeze juice from lemon and then add hot water and teaspoon honey... It´s really good for your throat and flu. I drank them a lot.
When I know fever coming soon. My body began freezing... I need REAL HOT bath or whatever badly... Sauna is best choice so I went straight to sauna to make myself feeling really good after work last Wednesday. I notice that "coming soon fever" gone after several times visit sauna... but I still have bronsilities, flu and sore eyes.
Also I noticed that if it's damp around ya, tends to get bronchiolitis bad which thank god I don't have it much anymore for 10 years (knock knock).
Chase, What´s your post about snakes do with my thread here?.[/COLOR]
Noo You aren't crazy lol... I usually put some Brandy in my Tea or Hot coffee to relax my cough as I use to have bronchiolitis for years (knock knock)... That's true that coffee does help to break up the congestion as this is usually for asthma attack... don't ask me but people say it works.. I do believe is keep yourself with lots of liquids and no dairy products cause it'll swell your throat.
Maybe I'm crazy too!! lol.. the canadian way maybe?? lol
Have you ever gone to bed with a high fever, and then woken up later to find that your sheets and you night clothes were soaking wet, but your fever was gone? The reason for that is, when the body's temperature rises to fight the virus, your natural defenses kick in and your body sweats to lower the temperature back to a normal state and breaks the fever. That's what I meanst by homeostasis. Homeostasis is the normal condition of the body. The sauna helps to speed the process up.
Entschuldigen Sie mich, bitte. My post wasn't about snakes. I tried to make an analogy between home and folklore remedies versus current medical practices and why some people prefer the word-of-mouth methods. I'm sorry you don't think it belongs in your thread.
Yes I have, when I had a high fever, I had chills, then during the night after the chills and the fever broke, I woke up with my pj being almost soaked and underneath my hair in the back and forehead was wet...
I also remember the time when I went shopping with my husband in the summer of 06, I was sitting in the car waiting for my husband to pay a bill , then I noticed I was developed some sort of redness rashes all over my legs, at first I thought I was having a heat stroke since it was 97 degrees outside and very humdity, my legs were swollen up and started itching, I could feel it was burning up then it spread all over my face, neck, arms and hands, when my husband got into the car he was soo worry about me, so he took me home, and I couldn't bearly walk, I kept falling to the ground, my husband wanted to take me into the ER , but I refused to go, my sister had the same symptoms but hers was from allergic reaction to medicine, so she had to go into ER for that, mine went away on it own in the morning, hives can last for a few minutes, a few hours, or even days. My husband never left my side, he took care of me all night by making sure I stayed cool and not getting worst, he thinks it was an allergic reaction from the heat, I also heard that people can get hives from too much stress too...I'm just glad my husband was there for me and made sure I came out of this, this was the first time I ever had hives and I hope I never go through this again....
Flu viruses can be spread airborne, not just thru direct contact. In a sauna, the people are in close proximity in a small enclosed space.Did you know that germs and bacteria are EVERYWHERE?
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: The flu...The most common way to catch the flu is by breathing in droplets from coughs or sneezes. Less often, it is spread when you touch a surface such as a faucet handle or phone that has the virus on it, and then touch your own mouth, nose, or eyes.
Symptoms appear 1-7 days later (usually within 2-3 days). Because the flu spreads through the air and is very contagious, it often strikes a community all at once.
Flu viruses can be spread airborne, not just thru direct contact. In a sauna, the people are in close proximity in a small enclosed space.
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: The flu
If you want to breath in whatever it is sick strangers are exhaling, sneezing, coughing, or dripping from their bodies, go for it. It's just not for me.
Okay, I will check my weight on mornings before go to evening sauna on the same time at Wednesday (ladies´s sauna) and then will check again on next day on Thursday morning and then let you know...![]()
Flu viruses can be spread airborne, not just thru direct contact. In a sauna, the people are in close proximity in a small enclosed space.
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: The flu
If you want to breath in whatever it is sick strangers are exhaling, sneezing, coughing, or dripping from their bodies, go for it. It's just not for me.
Noo You aren't crazy lol... I usually put some Brandy in my Tea or Hot coffee to relax my cough as I use to have bronchiolitis for years (knock knock)... That's true that coffee does help to break up the congestion as this is usually for asthma attack... don't ask me but people say it works.. I do believe is keep yourself with lots of liquids and no dairy products cause it'll swell your throat.
Maybe I'm crazy too!! lol.. the canadian way maybe?? lol