How to Confuse an Idiot.


New Member
Mar 31, 2009
Reaction score
har.... har..... har............
I can not get it on the Youtube here so that I can see what is going on to confuse the Idiot. Oh well, maybe it is not a good video to laugh about. :hmm:
Boring video, dumb punchline. Put some effort into it next time

I love the irony of your screen name and the quote here goes together.

It isn't a video and you are the idiot! Thats the punchline!

Epic Fail!
You all have been fooled! Just admit it... SoS beat you guys.
But you didn't get past me.. YouTube and Flash aren't available yet on 64bit browsers.. I was wondering why I loaded a youtube clip in IE64 ;)
I got curious. Brat! Ten lashes with a wet noodle, and it did make me chuckle so thanks.
I got curious. Brat! Ten lashes with a wet noodle, and it did make me chuckle so thanks.

*Grin* Well, you're harsh, aren't you Moon-child? I have to admit...clicked on it a couple times before I realized what was going on. In my defence, I don't use youtube and have no idea about whether it's something you can put on a forum or not...BUT I did note the misspelling of the word 'Idiot'.