How the Oral-only philosophy destroys deaf children

I grew up in a Deaf school. I ve seen lots of deaf kids who have mental issues. That is obviously where kids were born, DEAF plus other disability. Unfortunately, way too common for those type of kids with deaf and plus. From what my understanding and observation that teachers know too little or they did not know what to do with kids with slightly mental issues. I tend to keep friendly with those type of deaf people with slightly mental issues due to the emotional disturbance can be unpredictable. of course I still chat with them any way Some of them that i do hang out when i know they have good family to be associated with, or understand of values, morals and ethics.

Yes, I'm not sayign that oral/mainstreaming/homeschooling was THE trigger. I mean we don't know anything about the actual back story.
There are usually a bunch of pieces to the puzzle about why someone did it.
It's clear that he's obviously mentally ill..........BUT what we're saying is that an auditory verbal style upbringing (basicly assimulate into the hearing world, feel bad about being dhh, feeling very oppressed by a majority, feeling bad about not being able to meet a perceived standard of normal, COULD trigger actions/feelings etc.........This might be the case in this case, but it also might not.........
Making false assertions about the origins of the mental illness of this student, just sets us way back in any attempts to improve education of deaf students.

It makes us look like a bunch of idiots. It's the wrong way to try to bring about change.

Nobody is saying whether or not it was the case here......I do see people saying that "omg surprised that someone hasn't gone all Columbine due to frustration with the system." That's all........
Making false assertions about the origins of the mental illness of this student, just sets us way back in any attempts to improve education of deaf students.

It makes us look like a bunch of idiots. It's the wrong way to try to bring about change.

You don't know if it's false or not. Saying it's false without facts does tend to make some look like ... (I'm not going to finish that)
I think it's ridiculous.

Mental illness runs across all populations fairly equally, and blaming being raised oral deaf or ASL is a silly excuse.
I agree.

If using deafness or being raised orally is considered a valid excuse for stabbing someone, then we might as well fear all deaf people out there.

Gender, race, and disabilities should never be used as an excuse for harming or killing others.
I agree.

If using deafness or being raised orally is considered a valid excuse for stabbing someone, then we might as well fear all deaf people out there.

Gender, race, and disabilities should never be used as an excuse for harming or killing others.

You said it best!....
You don't know if it's false or not. Saying it's false without facts does tend to make some look like ... (I'm not going to finish that)

If you had any background in psychology, you would know better.
I agree.

If using deafness or being raised orally is considered a valid excuse for stabbing someone, then we might as well fear all deaf people out there.

Gender, race, and disabilities should never be used as an excuse for harming or killing others.

No, it's the OPPRESSION that may come from being a minority, not the actual conditions.........and there are right wing hate groups that regularly harm or kill people they don't like.......(but then again in that case it's a majority trying to oppress a minority)
I think oppression -can- create conditions where in some people, ADDITIONAL factors like mental illness, isolation, rage, etc - LEAD to violent events. The whole thing feeds off itself. I understand what it's like to feel alone/different/lost.

But that doesn't mean that oppression is the direct cause, or a valid reason for, directly attacking or hurting other people, especially if they are not the specific cause of the oppression.
I think oppression -can- create conditions where in some people, ADDITIONAL factors like mental illness, isolation, rage, etc - LEAD to violent events. The whole thing feeds off itself. I understand what it's like to feel alone/different/lost.

But that doesn't mean that oppression is the direct cause, or a valid reason for, directly attacking or hurting other people, especially if they are not the specific cause of the oppression.
If you had any background in psychology, you would know better.

What does having such a background have to do with this particular case? None of us are, or were, his Psychologist. Do you have info no one else has?
oh awful on picture on mental illness scary fear! fearly serious ridiculous not silly not fun

public on blogs horribles!

serious background!
i dont understand the full story as our news not as up with it,but surely wrong is wrong and blaming it on deafness is bizzare........i know some young deaf people do have problems but going out on a rampage deafness is not a reason