how old you when you become deaf or hearing loss

I was born deaf with unknown. I looked to see if it was hereditary and I'm still the only deaf in the family. I was told that the dr broke my collarbones when trying to pull me out from my mom's womb. I still don't know what the cause is nowadays. I've come to accept the fact that I'm deaf and always will be. So, I really don't care what caused it anymore.
been deaf since birth the only deaf in my family. Born jaundiced with cord wrapped around my neck during labor.
im become deaf at 10 month old and my mom told me about i have meningitis and jaundices so the doctor check-up my ear and im become deaf hard tell you about that.
Mommy got german measles when she was preggy with me. So I was born sick, weighed 4 lbs and had to stay in hospital for 2 weeks to gain weight before go home. Mommy figured out that I was deaf at 8 mos. and had a doctor to confirm that as fact.
Been deaf since i was in my mommas womb LOL.... my boys are same from thjier mommas womb
I lost my hearing at the age of 5 from illness, I grew up hard of hearing, then became deaf....
As far you know that I born deaf from German measles but forgot to add again! lol :lol: .. My mom have not sick or got German measles nothing from them just me got German measles inside of my mom's stomach yikes how come she didnt get any of sick or German measles when I was in her tummy :dunno:
I was born as deaf and dumb. Years later, I am still deaf but no longer dumb.
I became deaf since birth. I suspected it was from genetic because of I was never sick when I was born. Until I found my birth family, my mother was hard of hearing. Some of my relatives have hearing loss. Maybe that makes sense. WHo knows? :dunno2:
I had hearing until I was 19, Now totally Deaf at thirtysomething. My daughter is profoundly Deaf from birth. All my sisters Deaf from birth and mother as well.
I was born hearing, I became hard-of-hearing when I was 3 years and then I became deaf at age of 7 because of loss hearing.
I started losing my hearing at age 2(or three, depends on which parent you ask), causes? Unknown.
Sad how back then(meaning before the 90's), testing a newborn for hearing impairment wasn't manitory :ugh3: So some kids never heard a thing until their parents got a clue and realized they weren't giving attitude, they just couldn't hear them!!!

I found out I was HoH when I was five. The doctors didn't know how it happened then and they still don't know how it happened. My theory is because I had numerous ear infections, but who knows.
I started loosing my hearing at about 13, by the time I was 18, I had lost all use of my left ear. In my right ear, it's been much slower but follows a same pattern on the audiogram. I'm 27 now and still have enough hearing in my right ear to "fake it" in most situations, but since my hearing loss continues to progress, I keep wondering how long it'll be before I wake up and say "aw fuck it, I'm deaf, life with it." (but that's another thread)

The cause of my hearing loss is unknown, no family history, no infections, nothing pressing on the nerve. I suspect Waardenburg's syndrome but I'm not sure.