How "old" are you?


New Member
Sep 20, 2011
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I hope LoveBlue does not mind me taking something she said in another thread to be used here. I think it is a feeling many of us have shared.

I'm wondering how I can be a grandmom when I still feel like I'm 18. :o

I had a conversation about this a few days ago. Although the years have given me a new level of patience and wisdom, I really do not 'feel' any different than I did at 28ish. Oh sure my body cannot do what it used to and the mirror reflects my true age but, inside, I do not feel as old (or even as 'grown up') as I thought I would when I was 18 and looking at people who were my present age. I remember, years ago, asking my mom, "When do you start feeling all grown up? When do your thoughts and feelings inside, match your age on the outside?" She, being a beautiful, loving, brilliant nurse, wife, and mother, at the age of 65 replied, "I'm still waiting to find that out myself."

Age is a funny thing and I think it was best described by OW Holmes, "We do not quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing."

Do you feel your age? Do you think (and see things) the way you thought you would when you got to this stage of your life?
I feel good about my age...Sure, I've slowed down somewhat but I do get things done. My boys see it different, tho'. :giggle:

Being around teenagers keeps me somewhat "young at heart". And most of my personal friends are 20 years younger...and I still do respect my elders...

My guess is, ur as young as you most days, I'm dancing in the morning (in the kitchen)....dunno how long that's gonna last tho'. I've also realized that I don't have to be the "perfect" homemaker, my housework isn't going anywhere and the dishes can still be in the sink after supper for a few hours...if I feel like doing something else, I do it.
I am oldest 21 year old whole world, probably. I have feel old, tired, since age 6.
My gf makes me feel like I'm 18 again! Other than that I usually tell people my age is not a day past 30 and has been that way for the last 12 years! :giggle:
Me too Cheetah. The only problem is my kids are getting older than me!! Haha
I actually have an emotional age of eight. But that does not stop my mental functioning from being sophisticated. :D
I'm 41. My maturity level is probably at about 20, but physically, I feel about 20 years older than I am. :(

People say I look like I'm in my 20s. I can live with that! ;)

I have a condition like fibromyalgia. It's not diagnosed, but the doctor said the symptoms sound like fibro. It's awful. :(

Jen M.
I'm 41. My maturity level is probably at about 20, but physically, I feel about 20 years older than I am. :(

People say I look like I'm in my 20s. I can live with that! ;)

I have a condition like fibromyalgia. It's not diagnosed, but the doctor said the symptoms sound like fibro. It's awful. :(

Jen M.

I wish I looked like I was still in my 20's, lucky you! :)
After many tests, I was finally diagnosed with Fibro about 8 years ago. Hopefully you will find a doctor familiar with dealing with the condition who can offer you a clear diagnosis and give you some options to help you cope with the frustrating symptoms. Hang in there! :wave:
I'm 25 (Well I will be next week) and I feel young, like age of 17 or 18! However I do not like that I only have 5 years to go before I turn 30.... that makes me cringe as that means I'm getting old....
I'm 25 (Well I will be next week) and I feel young, like age of 17 or 18! However I do not like that I only have 5 years to go before I turn 30.... that makes me cringe as that means I'm getting old....

I think you are old already because you posted three times and didn't even realize it. Memory is one of the first things that fades :giggle:.
I am 48 and feel all of that and more, but then there are lots of times when I don't feel like I am even there.

I have been told that I am immature and I have been told that I am an "old soul".
I am 48 and feel all of that and more, but then there are lots of times when I don't feel like I am even there.

I have been told that I am immature and I have been told that I am an "old soul".

I predict that once the new house is done, you will feel so much better and also much younger :). Cheers to that happening as quickly and smoothly as possible! :wave: