How much money expense your christmas gifts?

Your pocket flew out because of Christmas gifts!

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I voted on how much I spend last year, since I haven't start my christmas shopping yet so I can't vote what I spend this year ....
$200 or $300 depend. Last year we spend almost $1,000.00 because We bought new a camera Sony cost us $800.00 ah.
I spent around 300 dollars for everybody on Christmas, but honestly it's varies every year. But this year, it's seem going to be over 300 dollars because I need to buy three gifts; one for my best friend, one for sequoias' best friend and one for my older brother. Also, few more for me to buying Sequoias' presents ;)
How much I spent the money for christmas????? Oh I cannot tell how much that I spent on that...Not expenive $$$ :)
I spend more on my son's gifts than anyone in my side. it's alway varies what i m spending on... i would say 300.00 to 500.00
I dont know about xmas gifts this year... a little too commerical for me. That means I'm poor. :)

Guess I'll print up some nice photos and frame them this year with some burned DVDs of the cabin trip over the summer. Cheap frames, too, you know... hehe... probably comes to about 400 kr (70 dollars probably) for the materials involved for about 10 people. But the kids... they are the greatest commerical consumers on earth.
I spent so far about 500 dollars... but i'm not done yet. i have a feeling it'll be around 700 at the end... that's the most I've ever spent in 12 years!
I TRY not to go over 50.00 for each person. That way i can buy everyone something nice. If some one's gift is less than that i will move that money over to another person. It works well. And i of course hit sale and clearance racks!!!
about the same as eric over 300 bucks or more. I will shop more after x mas because of sales for my family's side in january. I'm done with Eric & Sean. :)
I TRY not to go over 50.00 for each person. That way i can buy everyone something nice. If some one's gift is less than that i will move that money over to another person. It works well. And i of course hit sale and clearance racks!!!

If you want buy something for cheap then go to 99 cent store.
So beautiful doll...
Lovely you have good talent handmade crafts doll...

$150-$200. Almost done with xmas shopping so that will be the total cost of my shopping. Oh what fun to go to a crowded mall....
I voted $300 over how I spent for Christmas gifts for my family, javapride's parent and my lover javapride.