How much do you earn?

Social Services pay LOWWWWWWWWWWW.All of us know that (or I like to believe) but the most rewarding part is knowing that we contribute to society. Whenever people ask me what I do for a living, I simply say that I contribute back to the society and pray that I will get rewarded should I ever need that help one day.

I believe in PAY IT FORWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The movie by Kevin Spacey said it all for me. ;)

By the way, Reba, excellent social experiement! Society these days value these in terms of $$.

Well, it depends on the state.. I could use some extra money but its better than nothing. Learn how to spend your money wisely! Thats all it counts. I think my ssi is perferctly fine for now.... I can't complain... Seriously. Since I've been trying to get a cochlear implant and other things that need to be done. So it comes handy! Always be thankful what you have!