How many us 100% deaf?

Are you 100% deaf?

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I have cochleas so I cannot be profoundly deaf. THe other day, I hear a balloon popping out so therefore, I cannot be 100 % deaf.

I have cochleas too and I am profoundly deaf. I am so deaf (how deaf are you???) I am so deaf that If an elephant were to sneeze i would be drenched in snot and wondering why. :giggle:
Does that mean you have single-sided deafness? I don't know anything about that but I've heard it's not fun....

I have hearing loss in my other ear as well. But one ear had a labrynthectomy (surgical) nada.
I can hear some things without my HAs, but not speech.

That's like me. If it is very loud can hear. But with voices only certain tones can I understand/recognize that someone even talking. Then look at them and lip read.

Is very difficult around drunk people who interupt each all time. Cannot follow facial expression fast enough to see what this or that person say. :shock: Usually retreat to wallflower position.
But without hearing aids, most of us are the same. :cool2:

HAs only amplify what I cannot understand anyhow. When I first get them I go to ocean and can finally hear crash, crash sound. And bird chirp, chirping. Thing like that. Rain make pitter patter sound on ground. But one aide do not work proper now, or maybe *I* don't, haha, and find them *SO* uncomfortable. So, only use if in important meeting with Board.

Otherwise, just a little blonde severe/profound Deaf gal from Canada.:giggle:
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I am deaf 100% pretty I am remvoe on my implant , plus i am oral sometimes I can hearing aid :) I sign language!
I have severe hearing loss closely to profound hearing loss on my left ear with the hearing aid. With the hearing aid, I can not hardly hear sounds very well and only hear mostly noises. My husband like to listen to radio as he is hearing, but the radio sounds (noises) was driving me up the wall. When he was not using the radio and I just turned it off, I felt much better.

I have totally deaf on my right ear with no hearing aid. So that make me 100% deaf on my right ear, eh?

I don't know if there is suppose to be both ears being 100% deaf or one ear 100% deaf???? Sunshine, how am I suppose to vote if one or both ears being 100% deaf? :confused:
Option 100% deaf mean both ears, no sound with aids / CI / anything. No sound at all. Ever.
Option 100% deaf mean both ears, no sound with aids / CI / anything. No sound at all. Ever.

Okay, I gotcha what you are saying here. I vote no as I have only one 100% deaf in one ear (right ear). :)
Wow, I just read all the answers and right now I really am wondering if I could tell people I'm deaf, not HoH. With HAs I hear quite a lot, but without them it is really quiet around here. My right ear responds between 90 and 110dB, my left ear at 100 to 120dB (I hear lower frequencies much better).
So where is the line between severe and profound hearing loss and where do I fit in? (I really have to take a look at all those terms in english)
Wow, I just read all the answers and right now I really am wondering if I could tell people I'm deaf, not HoH. With HAs I hear quite a lot, but without them it is really quiet around here. My right ear responds between 90 and 110dB, my left ear at 100 to 120dB (I hear lower frequencies much better).
So where is the line between severe and profound hearing loss and where do I fit in? (I really have to take a look at all those terms in english)

with those levels, I'd say you qualify as profound.