How many people here are NOT deaf?

I'm NOT hearing
I'm hearing, DD is too and DH is deaf. I know LSE (lengua de signos española) the spaniard version of ASL, which varies in somethings. I learn everyday though with DH, and even though I've been using it for years I still have a lot to learn.
DD is trilingual with Spanish LSE and French, and she does it very well. She wants to sign with everyone though...
EXCELLENT quote!!!! Join the club Lev....lotsa people out there are in the same sitution.
Well according to some extreme radicals I am "hearing" b/c I can hear and speak......:pissed: Umm whatever!!!! !I am just as deaf as I am hearing!
you're gonna hate me, but what about being hard of hearing, or rather if not you, then what about their reality, what does it differ from you?
especially being on the fence....
I hear, don't always process correctly/normal, 'can't hear' phonics (by that I mean I don't process the difference)

pin/pen - I CAN say them different but it sounds the same to my brain, other people saying it I have to look at them to see what they are doing or how they are holding their hand. (for a needle or a writing implement).

I can understand what you mean by trouble processing. I always had that problem with my vision even when I had a good deal of residual vision.

Just wanted to let you know, though, that it's common among many people without auditory processing disorders to not hear the difference between pin and pen. The pen/pin merger is a characteristic of many Southern US dialects and most people in the South that you ask won't hear the difference either.
Just noticed I never answered this. I am Deaf, but I have noticed the people who are not usually don't stay around too long.

(I am deaf, just being nosy wonder what you hearies are up to in here)

It could be fun to have a poll?
I am another deaf person *giggles* :) I agree with the not deaf people not sticking around
well, I know the qualifier was "usually" - but I'm sticking around :wave: