DeafKattMom said:Shes saying that she hates when hearing people take on deafness and sign language because they think its cool, like they arent really connected to it, but want to be recognized as "in" or "unique".
I see it all the time. My first initial sign language classes started out with students joining because they either:
1. wanted to look cool signing. like they were "helping" or "saving" deaf people by learning the language.
2. wanted an "easy A" in school.
Most dropped out the second week when they found out that the class was indeed hard and required alot of work.
Ok... like little boys are interested in being "cowboys and indians" because its cool, or like little girls playing house with little babies and fake kitchens... hearing people going around speaking sign and acting like they are all into the deaf culture...
I hope that makes more sense. Anyways, I know what your saying deafdyke, I see it on a daily basis. Its appalling... but hell, a positive part of it is they ARE learning sign language, and they are learning and respecting the culture... regardless of thier initial hidden intentions something good is coming out of it...right?
May I ask how did your two boys were born deaf? Im curious how did you reacted when you first foundout your firstborn child was deaf? just curious.