How Many Of You Know Sign Language?...

I didn't learn sign language until after (public) high school, so I tend to sign PSE. I'm getting better at pure ASL.

SEE? Ack! It's so blind, it drives me nuts.

well I use TSL (Thai Sign Language) with my deaf friend who is deaf i will talk sign TSL only so my family dont know sign TSL that's hard :(

So I know ASL a litte I wish learning ASL alot oh well I dont know How can I learning for that? :dunno: I want enjoy sing ASL I hope get learing ASL soon! ;)
I use sl, sometime asl sometime pse sometime see, sometime english, sometime my own sl so other deafies cant read between my hubby and me. My family's sl are sloppy and not pure aslers but my own.
I use ASL and voice


I use voice mostly, cause I grew up hearing until I was post-lingual. I started learning ASL young. But I didnt really get into until college. I work with almost all hearing people and my HA's help alot, so mostly I speak. I get mixed up though, with turns of phrase and grammar. I sound mostly hearing but my way I speak is different. I had intensive remedial writing, so I'm okay there.

However, I feel most comfortable signing because I know whats going on. I dont voice when I use sign, but I do move my lips. My partner is learning sign and thats great. As I lose more hearing I am using ASL more.

I hope to get a job someday where I dont have to rely so much on my residual hearing, because I have to strain a lot.
I'm hearing, but I sign some type of hybrid between pidgin and home sign and ASL... Understand pidgin pretty well and ASL somewhat--if the signing clear and I don't try to do a word-for-word translation, I tend to understand the ASL better.
Hi I know ASL too!

I've known sign language ( ASL) for 30 yrs, also I'm interpreter.
Its really neet!!
Also I have cc tv and TTD, so I can concact my clients.
I born raised oral w/Metropliation Toronto for the Deaf and strictly not allowed body lang or sign langauges from 1973-79.
Transfered to ECDrury school.. I learned fluently ASL/PSE throughout..
Transfered to Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf for 2nd semster as same rest ASL.

Currently I'm fluently speaking voice w/ASL for my children.. If I'm around w/Deaf People using no voice and only ASL. If when I'm visting in Quebec and to seeing Deaf friends.. I'll fluent LSQ (French: Languages sign Quebec) ASL/PSE/LSQ Writting noted: STRONG ENGLISH. French.. excuse me.. poor grammer written the french lang. *learning steal my kids' homework* ((chuckles)) I'm bad naughty mom.. ha ha.. kidding!
You know....I have noticed that most non-signers tend to be late-deafened, and that makes sense seeing as most dhh are late-deafened. I have noticed an increase in late deafened people (like kids who go dhh as teens) picking up Sign. I do know that most raised oral kids DO eventually learn Sign. Even some auditory verbal kids (the kids who are supposed to be most assilmuated into the hearing world) learn and become fluent in Sign!
Hey, I use signs most of the time, but when I'm with hearing I use voice if they don't know signs or I write on paper if we can't even communicate.
^Angel^ said:
Is your daughter hoh or deaf, and does she read your lips or hear your voice?

with hearing aides hoh, without deaf. she uses what she can hear with lip reading { she prefers signing}
Cheri said:
But, I have heard that alot of states had deaf people being beaten by a ruler if they sign in class. I heard one about Washington School for the Deaf and Texas, Correct me if I am mistaken here.

Myself as TexasSD alumus, I didn't aware any story about the history related to beaten by a ruler. Seem nobody mention to me about that from other TSD alumnus from early 20th Century.

I used SEE. First aware about ASL when I enrolled TexasSD at 9th grade. fall in love with it permanently. Occassionally, I use voice for my family members.
i am hoh and i know sign from mainstream total communication program, but i only use voice at college b/c nobody knows sign here. i wish someone else knew sign b/c it would make life easier during situations where my aids dont do much (when there is lots of background noise).
Funny story about me and sign...I had minor surgery 2 weeks ago and when i woke up the nurses asked me some questions and i instinctively answered in sign even though i rarely use sign b/c there is nobody to talk to.
I am a hearing and I am ok with Signing in english. For ASL, it all depends on who is doing the signing....and how fast. I wish I am better than I am.
I am an ASL 1 student who signs liek an ASL 2... i started teh course in teh beginning of the school year this year and i can't get enough of it. I really hope to maybe be apart time interpreter (even though i already have to do that more than i would like so my frinds can understand my deaf friends)
I'm deafblind and started learning tactile sign (PSE, SEE and ASL) 10 years ago when I was diagnosed with severe-profound hearing loss. I can also communicate by using a raised print/Braille alphabet card, print on palm (POP), TeleBraille, Tellatouch, fingerbraille and realtime captioning with Braille output.

I can voice for myself and only use tactile sign for receptive communication or when communicating with my D/deaf or deafblind friends. When using a tactile interpeter, I prefer to use PSE or SEE.

ecp: I can relate to your frustration about wishing that you could communicate easier in noisy environments! When I attended training at my local deafblind center I was encouraged to learn sign. Since I had some aided residual hearing at the time, I didn't think I needed to learn it because I could still use an FM system. I quickly found out the hard way how difficult it was to communicate without my FM system. Being totally blind, I couldn't see to read lips or use other visual clues to help me understand what others were saying. Needless to say, this put me in some very difficult and embarassing predicaments. :(

I can't count how many times my knowledge of sign (and other alternative communication techniques) literally saved the day when I couldn't hear. Now I can go into any environment without having to worry about how I will communicate with others. In my opinion, the more "tools of communication" you have in your toolbox, the better.

Having said that, I realize resources are limited in some areas. At some point I hope you'll find more people who know sign. Are there any deaf clubs in your area? That might be one place to look.
I use ASL & English version sign language (SEE)... I use the english version sign language with my mother.. I sign and speak at same time. so she understand me. With most hearing I use voice only, or written. If hearies know ASL fluently, I'd sign w/o using voice. if they know some, I would just use voice & ASL. It's all depends.
I know spanish (written only). But im rusty on spanish now. I was wondering if anyone know spanish sign language?
I like this thread. :)

I use ASL usually with people who are using ASL. I think I fit the person I am talking to. If they talk in PSE, I do too. Call it whatever you want, the interpreter term I think is code-switching.

When I lived with my parents it was PSE with some SEE signs. Even though my parents are deaf, my mom (step) didnt learn SL until she was 20-something because she went to an oral school in Chicago. Since I was born hearing, didnt go deaf till later, I developed English speech and writing skills. I think like a hearing person - although if you call me hearing minded (you know that sign? hearing on your forehead. It's an insult to deaf people from Deaf people), i dont care now.

Anyways, I do random ASL, seriously. There are ASL phrases that just work like magic, and theres no SEE/PSE equivalent. But when I have an interpreter, they ask me what kind of SL do I prefer, I say "conceptionally accurate ASL, please avoide SEE signs." I WANT MY CAKE AND EAT IT TOO! :P

Also, I use my voice - I am not ashamed to do so. I work in retail and I have to communicate with customers. I will resort to paper and pen if worse comes to worse - which is not often. I'm not saying i can lip-read 100% but I get by. :P However, Megladon complains I don't talk loud enough. blahhhh! :) I hate raising my voice.
Even though my parents are deaf, my mom (step) didnt learn SL until she was 20-something because she went to an oral school in Chicago.
Wow....didn't know that your step mom was deaf too!
However, Megladon complains I don't talk loud enough. blahhhh! I hate raising my voice.
I am always...and I mean ALWAYS getting yelled at to modulate my voice!

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