How Many Of You Know Sign Language?...


I don't know if you meant to confine this to only our deaf members, but as expected, I don't know ASL just yet. I'd like to learn, however. As of right now, I can finger spell, but not very well. I also know some basic signs, but it probably wouldn't get me very far in a conversation. I'm afraid I'd be up a creek if I had to converse with a deafie, and they didn't know how to lipread or weren't oral.

I will say this, though, I am NOT opposed to doing the best I can with the limited signs I know, or my limited finger spelling ability. If all else fails, I'd just break out good old pencil and paper! :)
Hmm, I haven't used sign language very often lately, seeing I live with a hearing boyfriend. But whenever I do use sign with my deaf friends, I sign without my voice, but if there's a hearing person around, I take care to use my voice as well. It's hard because either Auslan or English gets mixed up if I use both at the same time.
I use sign-language practically almost everyday with ^Angel^...of course, there's times when we don't NEED to sign to each other! :naughty:

I didn't learn sign-language until I was out of high school and I'm glad that I was able to learn this form of communicating with the Deaf...I can carry out a normal conversation with a Hearing Person using my voice and hearing them using my bte....
I am very fluency ASL and some Hong Kong sign language. BSL is very little because my grandmother and I used BSL but I forgot some.
bbnt said:
I know sign language but not really ASL word order. My daughter uses her voice a lot so I haven't been forced to learn more even thou I should

Is your daughter hoh or deaf, and does she read your lips or hear your voice?
Taylor said:
I was surprised at the number of deaf people who do not sign (call it ignorance on my part....For the longest time I though all deaf people signed). One of my long-time customers is deaf and he doesn't sign.

I don't know if you are aware of this, but in the state of Ohio there are one school that I know so far that some deaf children goes to that has to learn to speak only without the use of any sign language, back when I was in high school, we went to that school for deaf dance, and we were not suppose to sign at all, and what we heard from other deaf students who goes to that school had told us that the teachers would use their rulers to slap their hands everytime they tried to sign to eachothers in class, some deaf students couldn't help it, it was like a habit to them, but still that school wouldn't allow you to do so either for the teachers there...sad isn't it?...

I am wondering if that school still does that to the deaf children there.... :ugh:
Oceanbreeze said:

I don't know if you meant to confine this to only our deaf members,

Oh no, actually I was speaking to all the members here not only to the Deaf or HOH, sorry I didn't quite explain myself very clearly! ;)

Thank you for asking...
^Angel^ said:
I am wondering if that school still does that to the deaf children there.... :ugh:

As far as I understand it, the ADA has put a permanent end to that bullshit. It’s not even permissible in private schools.
I grew up using SEE with my family and PSE at school. I use my voice very little. I'm just learning to use ASL more often and I am exposing ASL at home so... heh we'll see. If all else fails... there are always paper and pens! :)
Levonian said:
As far as I understand it, the ADA has put a permanent end to that bullshit. It’s not even permissible in private schools.

It wasn't a private school, it was a public school, The school that did this is Mayfield High School, I am sure Oddball knows about this since she used to live in Cleveland I believe...

I 'm wondering if Oddball knows if this high school still does this...
^Angel^ said:
I don't know if you are aware of this, but in the state of Ohio there are one school that I know so far that some deaf children goes to that has to learn to speak only without the use of any sign language, back when I was in high school, we went to that school for deaf dance, and we were not suppose to sign at all, and what we heard from other deaf students who goes to that school had told us that the teachers would use their rulers to slap their hands everytime they tried to sign to eachothers in class, some deaf students couldn't help it, it was like a habit to them, but still that school wouldn't allow you to do so either for the teachers there...sad isn't it?...

I am wondering if that school still does that to the deaf children there.... :ugh:

Mayfield High School wouldn't permit sign language there either. They wouldn't allow me to bring an interpreter for my word processing program. :(
Cheri said:
Mayfield High School wouldn't permit sign language there either. They wouldn't allow me to bring an interpreter for my word processing program. :(

:ugh: ...uh sis, that what school I am talking about, look up!...

*shaking my head*...I've told you to stop bleaching your hair! :slap:
LOL! I know toostie, I didn't read the lower bottom yet until I hit submit; then read it and I said oh well shit happens. :Oops:
<--- use PSE and ASL. Voice ?? barely used but with my parents, I would speak with signs. :::shy::: to use voice with strangers.
^Angel^ said:
I don't know if you are aware of this, but in the state of Ohio there are one school that I know so far that some deaf children goes to that has to learn to speak only without the use of any sign language, back when I was in high school, we went to that school for deaf dance, and we were not suppose to sign at all, and what we heard from other deaf students who goes to that school had told us that the teachers would use their rulers to slap their hands everytime they tried to sign to eachothers in class, some deaf students couldn't help it, it was like a habit to them, but still that school wouldn't allow you to do so either for the teachers there...sad isn't it?...

I am wondering if that school still does that to the deaf children there.... :ugh:

that seems to sound like St Rita School for the Deaf -- other oral method school i know of is Clarke School
^Angel^ said:
It wasn't a private school, it was a public school, The school that did this is Mayfield High School, I am sure Oddball knows about this since she used to live in Cleveland I believe...

I 'm wondering if Oddball knows if this high school still does this...

gee i didnt see this til AFTER i had made the previous post -- yes im pretty sure Oddball would know
Fly Free said:
gee i didnt see this til AFTER i had made the previous post -- yes im pretty sure Oddball would know

Here's another blonde! :eek: ...

I wish that bleach dye kit wasn't on sale this week...
The only sign language that I know is fingerspelling and a couple simple signs. There was three choices for me when I was younger: sign language and go to a private school, sign and lipread, or just lipread and go to a public school.

Door Number Three was just for me, and I'm glad I went through that doorway. Realistically, ASL isn't something you would see in most workplaces or universities.

Go ahead, call me an hobo and a SL-phobic.
Raven said:
The only sign language that I know is fingerspelling and a couple simple signs. There was three choices for me when I was younger: sign language and go to a private school, sign and lipread, or just lipread and go to a public school.

Door Number Three was just for me, and I'm glad I went through that doorway. Realistically, ASL isn't something you would see in most workplaces or universities.

Go ahead, call me an hobo and a SL-phobic.
That's your decision and your opinon. Nothing more or less than that ;)

Professors-doctors at university is now learning how to sign from me and my interpreters, they realize that they can communicate with ASL better than traditional communicate - 'speak' in surgery due to mask which often distorted the tones or disturbed by machine noises & beeps. They are thinking of promoting the ASL to use during surgery. They plan to make an recommendation to boards this Oct, I believe. They understand the greater benefits of ASL than traditional communicate - 'speak' in some certain area.

If you want to lip-reading then be our guest... I don't know about others but I surely am not going to tell you that you have to learn the ASL. My hearing date loves the deaf culture so much that she wants to give up her 'hearing' ability and adopt deaf culture as it is always part of her life and acts like she is a deaf.

Anyway to sum up, that's your opinion.. nothing more or less than that really... I respect your opinion and *pat* on your back for it.

Back to topic, I am fully fluent in ASL and know some Swedish Sign Language (SWL). One thing I like about Sweden, Swedish hearies are very fascinating about sign language and very eager to learn how and etcerta (Well, you know, Swedish people are VERY open-minded people. Thanks god for that ;)). I remember one professor at one of university, he gave some lecture about children and health... He found out that one deaf attend at his lecture (that's me) thru an interpreter... know what he did? He dropped off the paper on podium that he held then signing during speaking for me... wow. I feel inspired by that. He is an hearie but he knows how to sign language (That interpreter stopped signing and join me with a big smile knowing that I am excited about it lol)
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Wow....a PUBLIC school was THAT strict?
that seems to sound like St Rita School for the Deaf
I thought St. Rita's was TC? Maybe it was really oral back in the old days, but now it's TC. Unfortunatly there are still lots of oral only programs.....boooo!!!!!!!!

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