How many of us are Musicians?

Are you a musician?

  • Yes - Before AND after hearing loss

    Votes: 35 46.1%
  • No - Never was

    Votes: 15 19.7%
  • Yes - Hearing loss made me quit though

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • Yes - Learned AFTER hearing loss

    Votes: 21 27.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 9, 2007
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I'm sure this has probably been touched on here before but I am very new here and would really like to know. :stupid:

I've already talked with Alex and understand that we have a lot in common with our guitar playing. I also play drums, bass and keyboards.

I'm really interested to know how many of the members here are musicians, what they play, how long they've been playing, and how their hearing loss has impacted their musical abilities. :dj:
I voted yes before and after my hearing loss. Actually I am hearing and in the process of loosing it because of the loud music I play. There was no catagory for hearing people. Maybe I shouldn't be participating. Sorry for any offense.
I am hearing also but with a considerable amount of loss.

I would put the people who are hearing into the 'Yes - Before AND after hearing loss' category since I'm not sure how to modify the selections that are already listed.

I guess I wasn't very specific as to what I considered hearing loss.
I'm a hearing person and if I start to play ANY instrument (or sing) everyone around me would wish they were deaf. My voice would probably cause windows and mirrors to crack.
I play guitar & bass, & I'm in the process of learning drums, I just got a sweet set.
I voted "Yes - Learned AFTER hearing loss."

I lost most of my hearing when I was 5 years old. Played acoustic guitar back when I was a teen but only for a short time though. Been playing electric guitar, like almost every day, for the past year or so.

Having some hearing left in one ear and none at all in the other is a real challenge when playing guitar, because of the combination of different sounds, pitches, and/or frequencies my good ear has to handle. My hearing aid helps a lot and I wouldn't be able to play guitar without it, so thank God for that.

Funny, the other day my deaf friend was in my room using my computer while I was in the background about to play my guitar. Keep in mind that my friend is completely deaf. Anyway, I raised my amp's master volume to 10 (this is a 50W amp by the way), then when I played the Leper Messiah intro by Metallica, my friend freaked out and quickly turned around and told me STOP because his eyeballs were shaking and about to pop out! :rofl:
Ehh....I was a drummer for a while but not anymore. But I love to listen to Rammstein, Hinder, and Lamb of God in my truck or house with my CI on.
Before I had braces on my teeth, I was learning the trumpet, but haven't played since, although I did try a few years ago. I can sing on tune (pretty good for a severe hearing loss) both first and second tenor. I'd also like to learn how to play the pedal steel guitar.
i never learn.. however if i sing.. simon will insult me and i'll choke him to death.. sometimes i'm curious to start learning panio, guitar, and drum.. maybe someday, and learn to sing.. but not front of simon.
I played the saxaphone in school but I stopped playing after having my son because he is very noise sensitive. I also stopped because my aunt's dog at the time didn't like the high notes and attacked me lol. I guess I wasn't that good. I too am hearing but have a considerable loss in both ears. I voted yes but quit after my hearing loss because there wasn't a category for other reasons to quit.
I was diagnosed with a mild hearing loss at age 3.

By age 15, my loss was moderately-severe and by age 24, severe-profound.

I used to play the violin and piano in elementary school.

In middle and high school I played the flute and sang in the choir.

In college I also participated in the choir until I could no longer hear well enough to follow the music.

Ever since receiving my first CI 2 1/2 years ago I've been taking private voice lessons and am considering taking up violin and/or piano again.

I sing 1st soprano and am just starting to work on foreign vocal pieces -- my current piece being Italian.
i'm not gonna vote because i'm an interpreter, but i play the violin, organ, and piano, i used to play the clarinet and i'm searching for my next musical challenge. i am a high bass, and a high tenor, it all depends on what my church needs for each song, sometimes i'm used for alto in all mens groups. i'm actually the church organist. and for special music i play piano. violin is just a side challenge i use to keep myself occupied.
I learned how to play the accordion when I was young, after that I learned keyboard. I never pursued either to lead me professionally. I did learn how to play the guitar gave it up it just wasn't for me.

I do enjoy singing that's a cool thing :cool:
i'm not gonna vote because i'm an interpreter, but i play the violin, organ, and piano, i used to play the clarinet and i'm searching for my next musical challenge. i am a high bass, and a high tenor, it all depends on what my church needs for each song, sometimes i'm used for alto in all mens groups. i'm actually the church organist. and for special music i play piano. violin is just a side challenge i use to keep myself occupied.

You need to thank me, because I have been doing some research for you. Isn't that nice of me? Okay, I have compiled a list of instruments for you.

Hey deafrockdrummer, if you're around, you'll want to see the drum I found for you, buddy! :)

Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ,Boardwalk Hall pipe organ, worlds loudest musical instrument, worlds largest musical instrument since your church is "into" organ music. This should make them proud!

Musical Instrument,Beer Bottle Organ,MIDI controlled keyboard,Petersopn Tuners Maybe this instead. I don't know, what do you think? Yeah, this most definately will get you uninvited to the next hymn sing. ;)

Bikelophone unusual odd unique loop-based recording experimental weird musical instrument Hey, to heck with the church orchestra! What do you think?

Tubular drums, membranophone percussion instruments like Blue Man Group Something for drummer!

Didj-Bass, didgeridoo acoustic bass combo unusual odd unique experimental musical instrument Okay, everyone sing! Kum by ya, my lord, kum by ya! Kum by ya my lord, kum by ya . . .

Gas Tank Orchestra, experimental music with bass,kalimba,clarinet,oboe,trombone,dulcimer,harp Sounds for a real revival!

oddmusic unusual odd unique strange experimental weird musical instruments Add a little bit of the grand ole opry for the church. I'd vote for this one!

Viennese Vegetable Orchestra, First Vienna Vegetable Orchestra unusual odd unique strange experimental musical group Of course, in case there are any vegetarians in church, you most definately wouldn't want to offend them now, would you?

Dang, I'm exhausted from doing all this research for you. I do hope you learn how to play one of the instruments and play it dutifully. :fingersx:

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Oh, by the way, welcome to alldeaf! Which one are you in the avatar? The girl, now she's cute! ;)

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