How many meals do you eat in a day?

I do eat between 3 to 6 meals in a day, depends on how size of it. I do hungry and I do love food. So Im proud! :D

You let Sequoias to cook foods for you ;)
Monday to Friday, I do like that when I go to work everyday...

Small breakfast like cereals or toast, butter & jams - cup of coffee

Sometimes I eat fruits between 9.00 and 10.00 am

Lunch time: Use mircowelle to warm freeze vegetables/chicken or fish... Sometimes I went to canteen to have salads, fish or gyros... only if they have good on their menu.

Between time: fruits or piece of cake, only if there're cake around... (I baked cake to donate co-workers... they do the same sometimes...

Evening snack: Just sandwiches...

Evening meal must be done before 6.00 pm due my sleeping problem accord doctor's recommendation.

Weekends is a different... family meal...

Breakfast as usual... Sunday - big breakfast

Lunch time - cook dinner

Afternoon coffee - piece cake and coffee or Espresso/cappoinco if there're no cake

Evening snack - family buffett... (salmone, cheese, different sausage sliced....) fruits... it must be before 6.00 pm

Drink plenty of water...
2-3 meals a day causes the blood sugar level and metabolism rate to experience large up-and-down fluctuations.

But if you start eating 5-6 small or medium nutritious meals a day, this will eventually stabilize the blood sugar and metabolism rate, aiding in weight loss and prevention of diabetes as you get older.

Don't forget about healthy snacks. I always have some dry roasted sunflower kernels or apples ready for between meals.

I nearly never drink pop or soda as they contain too many chemicals, and this means free radicals, which accelerate aging in the cells of the body. You can read more about the hazards of soda here.

As for meals...

I eat 5-6 large portions a day to meet my calorie requirements, because I swim 3-4 hours a day. I also lift weights and run all the time.

But depending on how active you are, 5-6 small portions per day is usually the best way to go.
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i had juice for breakfast.

I had small meal for lunch such as raman, tv-dinner for 99¢

I had big meal for dinner at home :)
2 small meals (breakfast/lunch)

1 regular meal (supper)

sometime snack before go to bed...

They keep me energy.
Well, I eat two times a day when on campus, officially like sit down and eat, but then I take lunch to campus!! so you find me nibbling the whole time!!

In the holidays, its three full meals, and all traditional wonder I'm close to a pumpkin!!

Normally, I eat two small meals (breakfast and lunch), sometimes snack before dinner, and one big meal (dinner).
I usually eat one or two meals a day.

I'm never really hungry, that's why. :dunno:
I usually eat 3 small meals a day... due to doctor recommendations... plus I drink all day.. I get dehydrated easily so I have to have some form of drink with me all day, can be juice, soda, water, whatever i'm in the mood for.

I eat bagels for breakfast, and small tv dinners for lunch and dinner.. that is all I can eat. If I try to eat more I become violently sick.. not a pretty picture.
Just lost my appetite when I saw those pics of the mice.......
LOL! just kidding.......................
oh, we just eat only twice a day..either we eat breakfast or lunch and
then supper..
I'm trying to lose a weight by cutting down with one meal a day if I'm hungry then I will have another 2nd meal.
Most 2 meals but sometimes eat breakfast at weekend with my hubby cooked :giggle: