How many kids do you have/want to have?

I have twin girls who are 6 months old. My husband and I have decided that we will have as many children as the Lord brings into our home and that we can afford!
I never wanted kids. Hubby always wanted 5 kids. I had a child at 16 whose father's family raised him. I had 2 with hubby after having to lose one due to severe ectopic pregnancy.
We have seven, two through adoption. We wanted more- even tried to adopt again, but things just fell through.
We are unofficial foster parents to two little boys who stay with us most weekends and holidays.
2, one of each model then it was off to the spay and neuter clinic for me!
We have 4 and we'll have more if God sees fit to expand our family. We both originally wanted 2. Well, dh originally wanted none, but our first was a surprise! I was a young mom, just 20 when he was born, but I'd do it all again exactly the same way. I see myself at almost 30 as having accomplished a lot, even though I have no college degree and we've had our years of poorness. If we had waited until we had piles of money laying around, I don't think we'd have our oldest two kids, and who knows, maybe we would have stayed in "us" mode and missed our chance to have babies.
My heart goes out to you who have suffered losses. I've had 4 myself over the years and it is gut-wrenching.
Wirelessly posted

I want two yesterday June 4th we finalized the adoption of our two and a half year oldson and we are in the procces of adopting our two year old foster daughter.

We will be done. We will still do foster care but only short term
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I have no kids but i would like at least 1 or 2 kids before i hit 40 (3 yrs to go before i hit 40 YIKES) i need find good husband asap
Wirelessly posted

I want two yesterday June 4th we finalized the adoption of our two and a half year oldson and we are in the procces of adopting our two year old foster daughter.

We will be done. We will still do foster care but only short term


I'd like 2 kids someday, a girl and then a boy.
I have two boys now, and I would like to have one more baby. I would really, really like to have a girl but I would be happy with a healthy boy. No babies until bf and I seal the deal though. :)
I have a daughter and she is two an a half. I would like to have another one but now right now. I would like to have three more. Twins runs in my family so it is possible that my next one could be twins. But who knows?! A lot of my girlfriends are pregnant and wanted me to get pregnant, but timing is not good right now. The reasons I can't get pregnant right now due to my health and school. I need to get better in few years then hopefully I could conceive another child.

Having a child is a lot of work. My daughter came really early. You need to have a financial stable and well prepare to pay for diapers, wipes, and formula (if you are breast feeding).

I would suggest you wait for your child to be potty train so you don't have pay extra for diapers and wipes.
^^Yes, to any and all wanting number two or beyond.. wait until number one is out of diapers! I had #2 while #1 was 2 and not potty trained... now I've been changing diapers for almost six years without a break. SOO anticipating that break!
friend of mine had set of twins then 6weeks after birth got pregnant again had another set and 6weeks after had another set.6 kids under three years old,it nearly killed her...personly i thought it irreponsable
I hope for a minimum of two and a maximum of four, depending on finances and whether she'd want that many.
friend of mine had set of twins then 6weeks after birth got pregnant again had another set and 6weeks after had another set.6 kids under three years old,it nearly killed her...personly i thought it irreponsable

You'd think they'd learn what causes it, ya know?
I'm spontaneous, but I'm happy spoiling my nephew and nieces. I will never have kids with a deadbeat. Depending on the circumstances, yes maybe later.

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