How many kids do you have/want to have?


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Jan 15, 2009
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How many kids do youhave/do you want to have?

First, I'm asking this out of pure curiosity :D

Bf and I had again one of our infamous conversations on that subject since we are planning on starting our little family in about half a year *smile*. The thing is that I am aware how much bf wants to have two kids, which I am not totally agreeing with (yet).

Some of my friends say, you'll see... the first one born, you sure will want to have another one.
Others say, you'll both learn that it is a lot of work and that your lives have been completely pulled up side down that you want no more.

Though I am fully aware that both thoughts of my friends are correct depending on each pov's. For me, one pregnancy seems to be enough :D

Anyway... I'm babbling... I'm mainly just curious to see how big our AD family truly is :giggle:

:ty: in advance for answering!


ETA: Guys are of course welcome to answer this question too! ;)
I have 2 and I am done.

Growing up, I always wanted a boy and a girl. Got that. However, I didnt envision having both of them by different men so my current hubby wants another one since he only has one but I dont have the motivation to go thru all of that again at my age.
I always thought I'd have two... and well wasn't able to 'HAVE' even ONE... so I thought I'd adopt two... and after having Adam since birth, I have to think I was CRAZY for thinking I could manage TWO!!! :giggle: I waited until I was a bit older to 'get' my first one... so I've decided pretty firmly Adam is going to be an ONLY child! LOL but he's got enough energy for six so it evens out!!
I always thought I'd have two... and well wasn't able to 'HAVE' even ONE... so I thought I'd adopt two... and after having Adam since birth, I have to think I was CRAZY for thinking I could manage TWO!!! :giggle: I waited until I was a bit older to 'get' my first one... so I've decided pretty firmly Adam is going to be an ONLY child! LOL but he's got enough energy for six so it evens out!!

I would say change the word Adam to Miss Kat and I could have witten this! (Though she is my biological child) Especially since any other child we would have would be hearing, and we don't want to have her feel left out, or feel less of a part of the family because she is Deaf. So, we are done too.
I always thought I'd have two... and well wasn't able to 'HAVE' even ONE... so I thought I'd adopt two... and after having Adam since birth, I have to think I was CRAZY for thinking I could manage TWO!!! :giggle: I waited until I was a bit older to 'get' my first one... so I've decided pretty firmly Adam is going to be an ONLY child! LOL but he's got enough energy for six so it evens out!!

Sorry to read you can't have your *own* baby :( I am sure though that you will be an amazing mommy to Adam!!!!!!! He deserves all your love! :D

Sorry to read you can't have your *own* baby :( I am sure though that you will be an amazing mommy to Adam!!!!!!! He deserves all your love! :D


Thanks Jamie :hug: and ya know, it all worked out like it's supposed to~ Adam was meant to be my son-- just took me a while to find him:D But there was a plan in place all along-- that's my take on it!
I am only 19 years old and dont have a boyfriend at the moment but I'd love to have children in the future, I think I want 2, but wait and see
That's a good idea... have one kid and see how it goes.

It's usually recommended to have each kid 2 to 3 years apart. It makes the transition easier since most kids stop wearing diapers and don't need constant attention when they're 2 to 3 years old.

If you were to have your second kid while your first kid was still in diapers, then you would have 2 kids that required diaper-changing and constant attention.

I've seen some people get pregnant with their 2nd kid when their 1st kid isn't even 1 yet. After their 2nd kid, they say that it was too much and never want another kid. I guess they should have waited. :dunno:

Myself? I wouldn't mind 2 or 3. Of course, that would depend on my wife. :)
I had planned on having 2 or 3 kids - perhaps having them at least within 3 years gap for each but that didn't happen. I also wanted to wait a bit longer until I get a bit older to have children but that also didn't happen.

I've had my sons at 22 and 23 years old. They are 14 1/2 months apart. It was overwhelming for the first 5 years with both kids being so little and getting everywhere. Now that they're 9 and 8 years old, it's becoming a bit easier which is good.

So, Do I want to have more kids? No. I'm done. I don't have any more stamina to have more kids in the future.
That's a good idea... have one kid and see how it goes.

It's usually recommended to have each kid 2 to 3 years apart. It makes the transition easier since most kids stop wearing diapers and don't need constant attention when they're 2 to 3 years old.

If you were to have your second kid while your first kid was still in diapers, then you would have 2 kids that required diaper-changing and constant attention.

I've seen some people get pregnant with their 2nd kid when their 1st kid isn't even 1 yet. After their 2nd kid, they say that it was too much and never want another kid. I guess they should have waited. :dunno:

Myself? I wouldn't mind 2 or 3. Of course, that would depend on my wife. :)

My kids are 8 years apart...after my 2nd one in diapers, I am feeling it was too much.
one that I know of anyway...

and the jury is out for more. Just depends on how my life progresses.
I'm 22 and I have a 3 year old son.

Growing up, I wanted six kids... Insane I know. But now, I want four kids, not six. Six is too much. Four seems like a perfect number for me.

But sadly, my hubby doesn't agree. He already have a daughter from previous marriage and he now have a son with me. He said that he'll have one more with me and that's that, 3 kids is enough for him.

I want four biological kids of my own, I always have dreamed of having a big family. But sadly, I'm not going to get four kids that I wanted. But I look at this way, at least I have a beautiful son and I will be having another one in the future, hopefully a girl :giggle:

My hubby's daughter is 14 and my son is 3, and that's a big age difference but they're close so it's nice. I want to have another one soon so it would be in close age to my son... but we'll see. We're thinking about start trying this fall... who knows. :D
That's a good idea... have one kid and see how it goes.

It's usually recommended to have each kid 2 to 3 years apart. It makes the transition easier since most kids stop wearing diapers and don't need constant attention when they're 2 to 3 years old.

If you were to have your second kid while your first kid was still in diapers, then you would have 2 kids that required diaper-changing and constant attention.

I've seen some people get pregnant with their 2nd kid when their 1st kid isn't even 1 yet. After their 2nd kid, they say that it was too much and never want another kid. I guess they should have waited. :dunno:

Myself? I wouldn't mind 2 or 3. Of course, that would depend on my wife. :)

Oh I know what you mean by that Vamp....

Just other day, I saw a girl who's pregnant and she's holding a 9 month old baby... It was just shocking that she got pregnant so quickly that she's still have a infant that isn't a year old yet!

*shakes head* I can't imagine doing that, handling two kids in very close age and both in diapers. Kiddos to those out there that is able to do it.
First: I'd like to thank again everybody has answered... looks like the AD family is bigger than I thought :giggle:

Thanks Jamie :hug: and ya know, it all worked out like it's supposed to~ Adam was meant to be my son-- just took me a while to find him:D But there was a plan in place all along-- that's my take on it!

Those are very wise words!!!!!!!!! Appreciate so much devotion!!!!!!

A couple of friends who have been trying to get pregnant with their second fchild for years now are finally going to adopt within the next couple of weeks/months (hopefully) a kiddo from South Africa! Their 6y old boy is all giddy! I just hope it works out for them!

btw, if ever bf and I decide to have two kids, I'll make sure (as best as I can!) to get them 2-3 year gap ;) I'm not getting any younger either... :giggle:

3 kids.

1. daughter to be as first-born
2. 2 boys with about 5+ years apart from 1st sibling so that daughter can take care of them.. which will give us a huge break :D
3. if my future wife said that she's DONE after 1st kid, no big deal :lol:


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